Page 25 - Personal Underwriting Mandates & Guidelines - Binder product rules & addendums - Version 1
P. 25
Motor Claims Procedures
2.6.4 Where a motorist is not in possession of an Interna onal Driving Permit, and only has a licence issued in a Prescribed territory or another country, that licence will only authorise the driving of a vehicle of the class for which issued, and will be deemed a valid driver's licence provided : It is issued in one of the o cial languages of South Africa. If it is not in one of the o cial languages, it must be accompanied by either a cer cate of validity or authen city issued by a competent authority (Provincial or Local licensing Department), or a transla on into an o cial language. The licence must have a photograph and signature of the holder a ached to, or contained in the licence.
Once a person enters South Africa to resume permanent residence, or obtains permission to take up permanent residence, or becomes permanently resident in South Africa, their foreign driver's licence or Interna onal Driving Permit, will only be deemed as a valid South African driver's licence for a period of six months* as from the relevant date rela ng to the person's permanent residence. * – 1 Year as from 1/9/94.
An Interna onal Driving Permit cannot be issued by one's country of residence for use in South Africa while resident in South Africa. Similarly when issued with an Interna onal Driving Permit in South Africa, that Interna onal Driving Permit is not valid to be used in South Africa as a driver's licence.
2.6.5 A foreign licence as well as an Interna onal Driving Permit may be converted into a South African driver's licence at any me during the period of validity. In e ect this means that although a foreign licence, or Interna onal Driving Permit, may no longer authorise one to drive a vehicle 6* months a er: taking up residence, obtaining permission for permanent residence, or becoming permanently resident, one may s ll exchange such a licence or Interna onal Driving Permit, for a South African driver's licence. A licence or Interna onal Driving Permit must, however, s ll be valid in the original country of issue. * – 1 Year as from 1/9/94.
2.7 Validity of licences
If a driver's licence is lost, stolen, destroyed or defaced one may apply for a temporary document B1-5 from the Department of Home A airs. This will serve as a valid driver's licence un l the iden ty document is replaced.
A carbon copy of an a davit, or sworn statement made at a driver's licence tes ng centre or a police sta on, that a licence was lost, stolen, destroyed or defaced will act as a valid driver's licence for a period of 3 (three) days. This should then be subs tuted by a form B1-5 by the driver.
A form RID or TDL issued by a tes ng centre is valid for a period of 2 (two) months and replaced by the original learner's or driver's licence.
A driver's licence is valid for 4 (four) years, while a learner's licence is valid for a period of 18 (eighteen) months from the date of issue.
An endorsement by court on a driver's licence is valid for 3 (three) years as from the date when the endorsement was made.
2.7.1 If there is any cause for suspicion, fax the details of the driver's licence to Hollard for veri ca on on the micro che facility.
If the licence is hand-wri en, the licence must be veri ed on the micro che or with the Department of Home A airs.
2.7.2 If no trace of the licence exists at any of the above facili es, advise the claimant that he must produce documentary proof of having a valid driver's licence, i.e. a le er from the driver's licence tes ng centre where the driver was tested for the licence, con rming the existence and validity of such a licence.
2.7.3 Check that the licence has not been endorsed by any of the local authori es; if it has, refer to the policy condi ons.
Binder Claims Mandates and Guidelines – 2015/2016 Page | 23