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focused dispute over a chargeback, and   ing legal fees paid by the corporation to   a. Set a fixed and predictable way for
           finally provide a quick, easy and econom-  secure compliance.         condo corporations to post charge-
           ical resolution of any disputes through                               backs to units, notify the owners of
           the Condominium Authority Tribunal   How CAT can handle chargeback    the amounts, reasons and support-
           (“CAT”). See below for how CAT could   disputes effectively using its   ing documentation in a certain fixed
           handle chargeback disputes effectively.  established negotiation, mediation   way (perhaps with a good prescribed
                                             and adjudication methods            form, and then allow owners a
           What are some common                In summer  2024, the government   certain time (like 30 days)) to pay
           chargebacks?                      proposed that  CAT be tasked with   them or dispute them effectively
             Under the Condo Act, certain costs   handling disputes over unit owner meet-  and cheaply, after which the owner
           backs, however, may include repairs or { The fact that chargebacks cannot currently be
           incurred by condo corporations may be
           charged back to a unit owner as an addi-
           tion to their common expense fees. Often,
           the costs involved are minimal – let’s say a
                                                   handled in a streamlined, efficient way is a major
           $25 cleaning cost for failing to pick up after
                                                   disservice to condo corporations and unit owners
           a pet. Small chargebacks typically don’t
           result in a lien. More substantial charge-
                                                   to these cases.
           maintenance carried out by corporations   alike, needlessly adding costs and complexity
           on behalf of owners. Another common
           chargeback occurs when damage to units   ings. Instead, CAT should be assigned   is deemed to be liable to pay the
           or common elements results from an act   jurisdiction over more common and   chargeback.
           or omission of an owner or resident and   pressing disputes like chargebacks   b. Permit resale transactions of units
           the cost of repair is charged back by the   per the process contemplated by the   with disputed chargebacks to
           corporation to the owner. Finally, and   unproclaimed section 84 amendments   take place in an orderly way, with
           perhaps the most common (routine)   discussed above. This major condo law   certainty for vendors and purchas-
           chargeback is for damages and costs aris-  improvement is critically important and   ers – and condo corporations.
           ing from an owner’s or resident’s violation   long overdue. Proclaiming the improved   c.  Avoid condo lien scenarios for
           of the declaration, bylaws or rules, includ-  section 84 of the Condo Act would:   unpaid chargebacks. Liens add major

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