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2. Key Court Decisions in         affect your condo’s declarations or poli-  around reserve funds. New rules may
           Condominium Law                   cies? If not, now’s the time to review   require condos to contribute more to
             You might not always follow court   them—preferably with legal advice. This   their reserve funds to cover long-term
           cases, but some recent rulings have   can save you a lot of headaches (and   repairs. This could mean revisiting
           a direct impact on how we manage   possibly court costs) down the road.  your budget and working closely with
           condos. For instance, a recent court   Communication is another huge part   the board to plan for these potential
           case clarified what happens when   of compliance. As a manager, it’s your   increases, ensuring you aren’t hit with
           condo boards make decisions about   job to make sure owners and residents   financial surprises.
           shared  amenities—something  that   understand the rules and the reason-
           came up a lot during the pandemic. The   ing behind them. Sending out clear   Conclusion
           takeaway? Boards have a lot of power,   notices, hosting Q&A sessions, or even   Staying compliant with Ontario’s
           but they have to be reasonable and fair   organizing a casual meet-up to explain   ever-changing condo regulations isn’t
           in how they exercise it. So, whether   new changes can go a long way toward   always easy, but it’s a critical part of
           it’s closing a gym for maintenance or   avoiding misunderstandings.  managing a successful building. The
           changing access to common areas,    Lastly, keep records of everything.   legal environment can shift quickly,
           make sure your decisions are docu-  Seriously—everything. From  board   and it’s up to property managers to
           mented and justifiable.           decisions to maintenance logs, having   stay ahead of these changes to protect
             Another case brought up the ques-  well-documented records is a lifesaver   their communities. By understanding
           tion of enforcement. Owners now   when something goes wrong, and you   the  latest  updates,  staying  proac-
           have more rights when it comes to   need to prove that you followed the   tive in your practices, and preparing
           challenging bylaw enforcement, so   proper procedures.              for what’s next, you’ll be in the best
           if your board is being heavy-handed,                                position to keep your condominium
           they could end up in hot water. This   4. Looking Ahead: Anticipating  corporation running smoothly in 2024
           highlights the importance of clear,   Future Regulatory Changes     and beyond. n
           consistent, and fair enforcement of   Even though 2024 has brought a lot
           rules. If your residents feel like they’re   of changes, we’re not done yet. One of   Timothy Chase is an experienced
           being targeted unfairly, it’s likely to   the big topics on the horizon is elec-  property manager specializing in
           result in disputes—and those can get   tric vehicle (EV) charging stations. As   condominium management and  op-
           expensive fast.                   more residents start driving EVs, they’ll   erations.  With a  focus  on regulatory
                                             expect charging infrastructure in their   compliance and enhancing resident
           3. Compliance Best Practices      condo buildings. But installing these   satisfaction,  Tim  brings a  wealth  of
           for Property Managers             stations isn’t as simple as it sounds, and   knowledge to  property oversight  and
             We all know it’s better to prevent   the rules around them are still being   team  leadership.  He  is  passionate
           problems than fix them later. One of the   ironed out. Managers need to stay   about creating efficient, well-managed
           best ways to stay ahead is by regularly   informed about what’s coming, so they   communities and is dedicated to con-
           reviewing your governing documents.   can help boards navigate these requests   tinuous professional  development in
           Are your bylaws up to date? Have you   without violating any laws.  the property management field.
           checked whether recent legal changes   We’re also seeing more discussion

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