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Legal & Regulatory Updates
Patricia Elia,
PC, B. Comm. LL.B., A.T. Coach,
Elia Associates
Getting It Right
Navigating Requisition Meetings
with Confidence and Precision
Confidence is simply the willingness to try – Mel Robinson
As the CAO expands its jurisdiction, a. Is it a valid requisition question? understood. For instance, the Board
it is important that the industry profes- b. Is everyone who signed the could hold a Town Hall Meeting to
sionals just “GET IT RIGHT!” Requisition eligible to sign the have an interactive discussion without
As professionals, property managers Requisition? holding a vote. The Board could post
want to get it right to ensure they provide c. Do you have the minimum an article in its newsletter or do a
excellent service to condominium clients. percentage of 15% of unit owners? special report to focus on the issue.
This takes confidence and knowledge, d. Does it appear that the Requisition 4. There are vital issues to get right on
especially when the role of a Superhero signatures are part of the same the Preliminary Notice of Meeting:
can be overwhelming because of the level Requisition? (a flaw in the current a. The Date of the meeting;
of demands of a daily manager. There- prescribed forms). b. Clear instructions to provide
fore, it is in the best interests of both the 2. Identify the forms required under information to the Board in
condominium and the manager to find the Condominium Act, 1998, S.O. response to the Notice;
ways to make your life easier while effec- 1998, c. 19 (the “Act”): c. Clearly state the Purpose of the
tively executing. i. Owner Meeting Requisition Forms: Meeting; and
In our presentation for an ACMO 1. Preliminary Notice of Meeting of d. Clarification on the nature of the
webinar in July, we focused on honing Owners; Requisition and whether there
management skills when the REQUISI- 2. Request to Include Material in will be a discussion on changes to
TION is received!!! It is one of the most the Notice of Meeting of Owners; the Declaration, by-laws, rules or
stressful events of any Board and condo- 3. Notice of Meeting of Owners; and agreements, and the purpose of
minium manager’s professional life. So, 4. Proxy Forms (Maybe). the changes.
here are a few pointers: 3. Even if the Requisition is invalid, 5. Whether there is an election
Don’t panic. Just Hang Tight! And contemplate with the Board if direction on the size of the Board Photo: © FangXiaNuo
ride the wave like a pro surfer. there is a NEED for a meeting. Take and if there is a desire to be included
1. Is the Requisition Valid? Ask the the opportunity presented by the as a candidate.
Corporation’s lawyer if you need Requisition of Meeting to address a 6. The Request to Include Material in
clarification. concern or issue which may be poorly the Notice of Meeting of Owners: The
20 I CM Magazine WINTER 2024