Page 77 - 2019-20 CAFR
P. 77

Rogue Community College

               Notes to Basic Financial Statements
               Year ended June 30, 2020

               9. Post‐Employment Health Care Costs (continued)

                   Use of Estimates in the Preparation of the Schedules (RHIA)

                   The preparation of the Schedules in   conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the

                   U.S.    requires  management  to  make  estimates  and  assumptions  that affect certain amounts and
                   disclosures.  Actual results could differ   from those estimates.

                   OPEB Asset, OPEB Expense, and Deferred Outflow of Resources and Deferred Inflow of Resources
                   Related to OPEB (RHIA)

                   At June 30, 2020, the College reported an asset of $377,709 for   its proportionate share of the net

                   OPEB asset.   The net OPEB asset was measured as of June 30, 2019 and the total OPEB asset used to

                   calculate   the net OPEB asset was determined by an actuarial valuation as of December 31, 2017. The

                   College’s proportion of the   net OPEB asset was based on a projection of the College’s long‐term share
                   of  contributions  to  the  OPEB  plan  relative  to  the  projected  contributions    of  all  participating
                   employers, actuarially determined. At June 30,   2019, the College’s proportion was 0.195%, which was
                   a decrease of 0.004% from its proportion measured as of June 30, 2018.
                   At June 30, 2020, the College reported deferred outflow of resources and   deferred inflow of resources
                   related to pensions from the sources identified in the following table:

                                                                                 Deferred Outflow     Deferred Inflow
                                                                                   of   Resources   of   Resources

                   Differences   between expected and actual experience          $                  0   $               49,809
                   Changes of   assumptions                                                      0           391

                   Net   difference between projected and actual earnings on investments         0              23,314
                   Changes      proportion                                                       2,860       374

                   Total   (prior to post‐measurement date contributions)                        2,860              73,888

                   Contributions   subsequent to the measurement date                          12,971             0
                       Total                                                     $                    15,831   $                73,888
                   Deferred outflow of resources related to OPEB resulting from   the College’s contributions subsequent

                   to the measurement date of $12,971, will be recognized as an addition   to the net OPEB asset in the
                   year ended June 30, 2021.
                   The amounts   reported as deferred outflow of resources and deferred inflow of resources related to
                   OPEB will be recognized in OPEB expense as follows:
                                                          Deferred    Outflow/(Inflow) of

                                                            Resources (prior to
                                            Fisca    l Year   measurement date   contributions)
                                              2020‐21       $                   (36,637)
                                              2021‐22                           (32,589)
                                              2022‐23                            (4,204)
                                              2023‐24                            2,402
                                            Total           $                   (71,028)

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