Page 15 - BSWH Office of Mission Ministry Annual Report
P. 15

BSWH’s FCH program has grown rapidly over the past three years, partnering with 189 faith communities. Under the leadership of Donna Stauber, PhD, the program has made a strong contribution to the national conversation about partnering with religious groups to improve the health of communities.
Renewing Our Purpose
The Sacred Vocation Program (SVP) offers staff an opportunity to renew their sense of purpose
in caring for others as a special calling.The partnership between leadership, facilitators and staff has resulted in a positive impact on the care experience, teamwork, retention and engagement by building a caring community.
FY2018 was a year of transition as SVP partnered with the BSWH People Committee to align with the future of BSWH. Facilitator training by video to increase the capacity to train more facilitators was piloted.Careful facilitator selection and ongoing coaching will continue to promote a quality experience and sustainable impact.
“When I started the class.
I was feeling burned out in my role, and by session four, I regained my own health and wellness to be
a better healer to the people we serve. The more I learn about the program and how it connects and networks the whole hospital, the happier I am that I chose BSWH.”
— SVP participant
    “This was one of the most beneficial courses I have ever had the pleasure of attending. Very beneficial and enlightening.
Thank you!”
— SVP participant
  Sacred Vocation Snapshot
Over 3,700 13 Years Supporting Graduates BSWH Staff
May SVP graduates from Baylor Scott & White — Waxahachie.

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