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There is no doubt that some amount of p The maximum benefits were found to
exercise is way better than no exercise at be in the group who tripled the
all. Though there are no dosage standard set- 450 minutes of moderate
instructions like medicines, the exercising each week lowered death
recommended amount of exercise needed risk and increased vitality by 39%.
to maintain healthy lifestyle and fitness
levels are approximately at 150 min of The Right Dose of Exercise for a
moderate exercise weekly. Longer Life
Exercise has had a Goldilocks problem,
with experts debating just how much
exercise is too little, too much or just the
right amount to improve health and
longevity. Two new, impressively large-
scale studies provide some clarity,
suggesting that the ideal dose of exercise
for a long life is a bit more than many of us
currently believe we should get, but less
than many of us might expect. The studies
also found that prolonged or intense
exercise is unlikely to be harmful and
Researchers gathered 2 groups of people: could add years to people's lives.
Those who did no exercise at all, and
Those who exceeded the recommended No one doubts, of course, that any amount
exercise standards by ten times. of exercise is better than none. Like
medicine, exercise is known to reduce
p The studies revealed that those who risks for many diseases and premature
did not exercise at all had the highest death.
risk of early death.
But unlike medicine, exercise does not
p The group of people who took the effort come with dosing instructions. The current
to do at least some sort of physical broad guidelines from governmental and
activity lowered their death risk by health organizations call for 150 minutes
20%, even though they were far below of moderate exercise per week to build
the standard level of exercise required. and maintain health and fitness.
p The people who did ten times more of But whether that amount of exercise
the recommended level of exercise had represents the least amount that someone
a 31% reduction in risk of early death- should do — the minimum recommended
the same as that of people who just dose — or the ideal amount has not been
confirmed to the standard 150 min per certain.
week standard.
Scientists also have not known whether
P.G. Better Living