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found the reverse. reduction in early mortality, compared with
people who never broke much of a sweat.
The researchers did not note any increase
in mortality, even among those few people
completing the largest amounts of intense
Of course, these studies relied on people's
shaky recall of exercise habits and were
not randomized experiments, so can't
prove that any exercise dose caused
changes in mortality risk, only that
exercise and death risks were associated.
For this study, Australian researchers
closely examined health survey data for Still, the associations were strong and
more than 200,000 Australian adults, consistent and the takeaway message
determining how much time each person seems straightforward, according to the
spent exercising and how much of that researchers.
exercise qualified as vigorous, such as
running instead of walking, or playing Anyone who is physically capable of
competitive singles tennis versus a activity should try to “reach at least 150
sociable doubles game. minutes of physical activity per week and
have around 20 to 30 minutes of that be
Then, as with the other study, they vigorous activity,” says Klaus Gebel, a
checked death statistics. And as in the senior research fellow at James Cook
other study, they found that meeting the University in Cairns, Australia, who led the
exercise guidelines substantially reduced second study. And a larger dose, for those
the risk of early death, even if someone's who are so inclined, does not seem to be
exercise was moderate, such as walking. unsafe, he said.
But if someone engaged in even
occasional vigorous exercise, he or she
gained a small but not unimportant Girish Sharma,
additional reduction in mortality. Those MD, FACC
who spent up to 30 percent of their weekly
exercise time in vigorous activities were 9 Girish Sharma is a cardiologist, whose
percent less likely to die prematurely than practicing cardiology and internal
people who exercised for the same medicine. He is a speaker for various
amount of time but always moderately, medical subjects. He is well known for
while those who spent more than 30 making tough medical subjects easy to
percent of their exercise time in strenuous understand equally well by the medical
activities gained an extra 13 percent professionals well as general audience.
P.G. Better Living