Page 3 - Naturally_Healthy_Family.pdf
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with greater levels of stress than ever Naturally Healthy Family you will begin to
before. Stress plays a major role in all see common ailments naturally clear up,
health problems including increased colds prevent health problems, experience more
and flus, allergies, digestive problems, energy, greater balance and higher levels
weight gain, and low energy. You may not of health and well being as a family.
be able to avoid all stress but you can
learn how to manage stress so that it
doesn't negatively affect your health.
Yoga, meditation, exercise and a low
stress diet all help to reduce the impact of
stress on your families health. Candice Marley
Green Living Practices to Candice is the founder and operator of
Align Holistic Health and Well Being.
Reduce Exposure to Toxins Candice holds a Bachelor of Science
degree as well as the certifications of
Did you know the most toxic place on Holistic Health Practitioner, Holistic
Earth is the inside of your home? That is Nutritionist and Master Herbalist. She has
shocking and disheartening to hear if you also completed post-graduate studies in
want to raise a naturally healthy family. Ayurveda (the 5,000 year old holistic
Toxic chemicals found in personal care, system of medicine in India), Living
home cleaning, lawn, garden and food Foods, Healing Diets and Wellness
products have all been linked to the most Coach. She uses natural ways of eating,
common ailments families deal with. balancing, holistic lifestyle practices,
Choosing to buy cleaner, greener, organic herbs and wellness coaching to help her
versions of products will help to reduce clients succeed in meeting their health
your family's exposure to toxic chemicals. intentions and achieve vibrant health,
Taking time to look at ingredients and radiant beauty and increased energy and
finding brands that are committed to purity longevity. Her goal is to provide her clients
and sustainability will create higher levels with exactly the tools, education, support
of health and vitality for you and motivation they need
and your family.
to achieve the high
levels of health and
By learning and well being they so
using these 4 deeply desire.
Keys to
Raising a
P.G. Better Living