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It's official: There's a new tax law Changes have been made to both
in town. individual and corporate tax rates.
Congress has ushered through the first Individual provisions in the new legislation
major tax overhaul since Ronald Reagan technically expire by the end of 2025,
was president. though some people expect that a future
Congress won't actually let them lapse.
The measure, which President Trump Most of the corporate provisions are
signed into law on Friday, is about to permanent.
shake up life for millions of Americans. It
will redistribute the country's wealth. It Tax reform will increase deficits by
could sway decisions about whether to $1.46 trillion over the next decade.
buy a home, or where to send kids to That's the net number that's been
school. It could even affect when unhappy crunched by the nonpartisan Joint
couples decide to get a divorce. Committee on Taxation. The future law's
contribution to the debt will likely be even
higher if individual tax cuts are re-upped in
eight years.
There are still seven tax brackets for
individuals, but the rates have
Americans will continue to be placed in
one of seven tax brackets based on their
income. But the rates for some of these
brackets have been lowered. The new
rates are: 10%, 12%, 22%, 24%, 32%,
35% and 37%. Find out where you fit here.
As the bill becomes law, here are 34
things you need to know. The standard deduction has
essentially been doubled.
This is the first significant reform of Republicans want fewer people to itemize
the U.S. tax code since 1986. their taxes. To achieve this, they've nearly
Reagan signed major legislation for doubled the standard deduction. For
corporations and individuals in 1986. single filers, the standard deduction has
Since then, serious tax reform has eluded increased from $6,350 to $12,000; for
Republicans, though they repeatedly married couples filing jointly, it's increased
called for it as the tax code became longer from $12,700 to $24,000.
and more arcane.
P.G. Better Living