Page 6 - Tax_Law.pdf
P. 6

Oh, and the individual mandate on                           shareholders of S-corporations, LLCs and
    health insurance has been scrapped.                         partnerships -- who pay their share of the

    Republicans failed to repeal Obamacare                      business' taxes through their individual tax
    earlier this year, but they managed to get                  returns -- has been lowered via a 20%
    rid of one of the health law's key                          deduction. The legislation includes a rule
    provisions with tax reform. The elimination                 to ensure owners don't game the system,
    of the individual mandate, which penalizes                  but tax experts remain concerned about
    people who do not have health care, goes                    abuse of this provision.
    into effect in 2019. The Congressional
    Budget Office has predicted that as a
    result, 13 million fewer people will have
    insurance coverage by 2027, and
    premiums will go up by about 10% most

    You won't be able to file your tax
    return on a postcard.
    Trump said H&R Block would go out of

    business after tax reform because filing
    taxes would become so simple. Not quite.
    While doubling the standard deduction will                  Not all CEOs think they'll use their
    ease the process for some individuals,                      savings to create jobs, though.
    there's still a web of deductions and                       Just 14% of CEOs surveyed by Yale
    credits to work through. And for small                      University said their companies plan to
    businesses, filing could become even                         make large, immediate capital investments
    more complicated.                                           in the United States following tax reform.

                                                                Capital investments, like building plants
    The corporate tax rate is coming                            and upgrading equipment, can spur hiring.

    The corporate tax rate has been cut from                    Plus, the way multinational
    35% to 21% starting next year. The                          corporations are taxed is about to
    alternative minimum tax for corporations                    change.
    has been thrown out altogether. Earnings                    The U.S. is switching to a territorial system
    are expected to go up as a result.
                                                                of taxation, which means companies won't
                                                                owe federal taxes on income they make
    Pass-through entities will also get a                       offshore. To help the transition, companies

    break.                                                      will be required to pay a one-time, low tax
    The tax burden by owners, partners &                        rate on their existing overseas profits --

             P.G. Better Living
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