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It's that part of the day you dread. Your Tantrums are normal in the child's
child has just decided to take you to the development cycle and indicate tiredness
edge of your patience with his ear- or sleepiness, hunger or irritability at not
piercing, earth shattering screams and getting what they want.
you are just about to set things right…the
way you know best…by shouting back How Does This Behavior
even louder. Change Over Age?
But if you keep the frustration away for a As children grow older and especially
while, you can really learn a lot from between their age of 18 months and 4
these episodes. years, they start slowly learning the
ability of handling their heightened
Why Does Your Child Throw emotional feelings without the help of
their parents. This happens as cognitive
development of the brain is more
Tantrums are common in kids (boys and pronounced.
girls) till the age of 2 years. Temper
tantrums range from simple whining and Do not worry; it is perfectly fine for such
sobbing to outright screaming, getting bribes, as long as they are done at your
violent with objects or people and holding terms.
their breath. Some lucky parents get
away with having kids that rarely throw How to Deal With Your Child's
tantrums but these are rare cases. Tantrums?
The first thing you might want to do when
your child is throwing a tantrum is to
understand the actual reason behind his
frustration. As we mentioned above, the
reasons may be usually related to food,
milk, seeking attention or pointing to
discomfort from a soiled diaper.
Stay Calm:
It is always very important to stay calm
when your child is throwing a tantrum.
Instead, if you start shouting at your child
or try hitting him/her, the situation just
worsens. Staying calm also helps in
giving your child a peaceful atmosphere,
thereby reducing stress for both of you.
P.G. Better Living