Page 3 - Tantrums.pdf
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Give Some Space:                                            Even after trying to deal with your child's
                                                                 tantrums in all possible ways, there might
     If your child throws a tantrum, just give
     him/her some space which ultimately                         be instances when even your best efforts
     helps them in pulling themselves                            fail. If you feel that the situation is going
     together and regain self control.                           beyond your limits, it is advisable that
     However, while giving your child some                       you consult your pediatrician. In case
     space, do make sure that there's nothing                    you have issues handling the situation it

     in his way that could actually hurt him.                    is advisable to seek help of your
                                                                 physician to avoid stress from getting to

     Distract Your Child:                                        you.
     Distracting your child often works most of                  The American Academy of Pediatrics
     the time when he is in the middle of the                    recommends that you call your
     episode. However, it is recommended                         pediatrician or family physician if:
     that you try some gentle distractions like
     making funny faces or switching to                          | Your child injures himself or herself
     activities which your child loves a lot.                         or others, or destroys property during


                                                                 | Your child holds his or her breath
                                                                      during tantrums, especially if he or
                                                                      she faints.

                                                                 | Your child has nightmares,  reversal
                                                                      of toilet training, headaches, stomach
                                                                      aches, anxiety, refuses to eat or go
                                                                      to bed, or clings to you.

     Offer Incentives for Good

     When you are going out for a dinner to a
     restaurant, it might be a good time for
     you to bribe your child a little by
     promising him a chocolate or allowing
     him watch a video if he keeps the

     nagging tantrums at bay.

     When to Seek Help?

            P.G. Better Living
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