Page 2 - E=mc2.pdf
P. 2
"Few years ago, my Guru advised formula in an examination or test, will
me to "Om Namo Bhagavate you get any marks? You will have to
Vasudevaya" to solve all my problems. explain that. How will you explain that?”
He said it is the most powerful mantra
with immense benefits. I have been "Yes, you are right. We have to expand
reciting this mantra for nearly two years. this short form. The theory states that the
No miracle happened in my life. Nothing increased relativistic mass (m) of a body
has changed. My problems have moved times the speed of light squared (c2) is
from bad to worse. Why didn't this mantra equal to the kinetic energy (E) of that
help me?" Jagdish Shukla, an IITian has body.”
sent this WhatsApp message.
"Most of the original mantras are
"Jagdishji, you better ask your Guru. I am equations of Vedic science. Can you
neither a Guru nor an expert of any explain the mantra on the same lines?”
Mantras..." I replied.
"Yes, I will try to. Om Namo Bhagavate
Vasudevaya means Om, I bow to Lord
Vasudeva or Lord Krishna.! It is a
powerful yogic mantra of pure
consciousness. The mantra creates
vibration in our body which in turn
becomes positive energy and gets
connected to the cosmic energy...”
"Aha...super! I know you have a scientific
background. Still you believe in such
non-existing vibration energy, positive
"Udayji, I have been reading your energy etc. You are a person who learnt
articles. I know you can explain many law of energy, right? Vasudeva is
things in Sanatan Dharma scientifically Krishna's father. How can he be
and logically...Please be kind enough to Krishna?”
explain about this mantra. Is it scientific?
Will it work? If yes, why didn't it work for "Udayji, actually I don't know these
me?" This time Jagdish called me over things. I cannot explain it. I have read
such explanation in many places. My
Guru said the mantra is a short cut to
"Have you learned Albert Einstein's please Lord Krishna to get boons... I
theory of special relativity?” really want to know about it...”
“Yes. E = mc2” "Hmm. First and foremost, to best of my
understanding, you are reciting it wrong.
"If you just write down that equation or But that is not the real issue here. You
P.G. Better Livingetter Living
P.G. B