Page 4 - E=mc2.pdf
P. 4
path of Dharma, our sages elevated illuminate. You can do all these
him to the level of Vishnu. Hence Krishna things only when you are well awake.
was considered as Vishnu's avatar. This state of being called Jagrat in
Vishnu is not a measurable concept. For, Sanskrit. The person in Jagrat has
we are limited (everything is limited to our given a name = Viswan. We are all
five senses or pachendriya) living Viswans. All Viswans (entire living
beings...” beings) together known as Virat
"I didn't understand this point...”
v Ga= gacchati or gama = moving.
"All our senses have limitations or From waking state you can only
restrictions. The range of human hearing move to sleeping state (Nidra) in
is generally considered to be 20 Hz to
20000 Hz which means we can't detect which you see dreams (Swapna).
The person in this state (sleeping and
sounds above and below that range. dreaming) has a name = Thyjasan.
Similarly our eyes can't like infra-red or All Thyjasan together known as
ultra-violet. All five senses have such
limitations. Every creature in this Hiranyagarba.
universe has such limitations. This v Va = vILayate = dissolving. From
limitation is "species reality". We cannot sleep you go to the deep sleep state
understand what cosmos is. It is beyond (Sushupti). It's a perfect state of
our senses. It is not measurable by our being where 'I' (ego) vanishes. You
senses. But we are trying to measure the have a name then = Pragyan. All
Pragyan join to form Eashwara!
"That's true. But what's that to do with the That's the simplest definition of
mantra Namo Bhagavate Vaasudevaya?” Eashwara.
"In fact we have already covered the first v Te = this is the Turiya State. We
two syllables (Na and Mo) of this already saw this fourth state is
equation. Na is Narayana, Mo is "Vasudeva”
'meyam'. Narayana (Vishnu) is the cause
and effect (karyam, karanam) of the "Udayji, wonderful explanation. Can you
cosmos. We are trying to measure explain bit more on Turiya, scientifically?”
(=meyam) it without limitation...”
"We experience three sort of happiness
"Wow. So what's Bhagavate? Bha-Ga- in our life - Body level (Sukham), Mind-
Va-Te” level (Santhosham) and intellectual level
(Ahladam). But in the state of Turiya you
v Bha = bhASayati or cause to think, will experience all these three happiness
cause to speak or talk or to plus much more - kind of extreme
happiness. That eternal happiness is
P.G. Better Livingetter Living
P.G. B