P. 132

                                                                                                        (1950 – 1960)

                  After holding the election, the Indonesian Elections Committee (PPI) an-
                  nounced the official names of candidates for the new DPR members on
                  March 1, 1956. On this basis, President Soekarno appointed Ali Sastroam-
                  idjojo again to be the formator of the cabinet, a manifestation of power in
                  the DPR, with the hope that the newly formed government would get the
                  parliament’s support.

                  Exactly a week after the announcement of the PPI
                  above, on March 8, 1956, Ali Sastroamidjojo had
                  assumed the task of forming a cabinet and was
                  given one week, until March 16, to create a go-          On March 24, 1956,
                  vernment. On March 24, 1956, the composition of
                  the Cabinet of Ali Sastroamidjojo II was ratified by     the composition of
                  the President through Presidential Decree No. 85.        the Cabinet of Ali
                  In his meeting with parliament on April 9, 1956,
                  PM  Ali  Sastroamidjojo  introduced  all  the  mem-      Sastroamidjojo II
                  bers of his cabinet, which consisted of 24 people.       was ratified by the

                  As one of the programs of the Ali Sastroamidjojo         President through
                  Cabinet, the DPR of the 1955 General Election —          Presidential Decree
                  born not long after the formation of the people’s
                  DPR and the ratification of the Ali Sastroamidjojo       No. 85.
                  II Cabinet — produced the Law on Cancellation of
                  the KMB Agreement.

                  The government and the DPR had prepared vari-
                  ous  things,  including  anticipating  international
                  developments resulting from Indonesia’s unilateral withdrawal from the
                  KMB agreement. In anticipating this, the government formed a commit-
                  tee to accommodate problems, named the State Committee for Advi-
                  sory on the Resolution of the Cancellation of K.M.B. This committee was
                  tasked with giving consideration to the government to resolve the con-
                  sequences caused by the cancellation of the KMB agreements entirely.
                  This committee consisted of the government and the DPR.

                  The DPR continued to oversee the implementation of the law that can-
                  celed the KMB agreement and the government’s anticipation of the im-
                  pacts resulting from the cancelation of the deal that bounded Indonesia
                  with the country that colonized it. The DPR’s emphasis and concern were
                  on the issue of Indonesia’s sovereignty as an independent country, which
                  must be reflected in every policy implemented by the government of the
                  Ali Sastroamidjojo II Cabinet.

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