P. 127

           IN INDONESIA

                                                           The  first  election  was  implemented  according
                                                           to  the  1950  Constitution,  which  regulated  mat-
           The inauguration                                ters regarding the President and other high in-
                                                           stitutions. UUDS was a modification of the RIS
           of DPR members as                               Constitution;  along  with  the  dissolution  of  the

           a result of the 1955                            RIS and the stipulation of Indonesia as a unitary
                                                           state on August 17, 1950, the government had to
           general election was                            modify the federal constitution to suit the unitary

           held on March 20, 1956.                         state design.

           The President carried                           Based  on  UUDS,  “members  of  the  People’s

           out the inauguration,                           Representative Council are elected in a general
                                                           election by citizens who meet the requirements
           which was attended                              and according to the rules established by law”
           by members of the                               Article  56  of  the  law  states  that  every  300,000
                                                           Indonesian citizens shall have a representative in
           Burhanuddin Harahap                             the DPR.

           Cabinet, which had just                         As  with  the  general  democratic  tradition,  the
           received the baton from                         general election is preceded by a campaign and

           the Ali Sastroamidjojo                          installation  of  each  party’s  logos  to  attract  the
                                                           masses and convey party ideas. The public will
           II Cabinet, and                                 then choose the logo of one of the parties they

           members of the                                  are interested in.

           Provisional DPR.                                The inauguration of DPR members as a result of
                                                           the 1955 general election was held on March 20,
                                                           1956. The President carried out the inauguration,
                                                           which was attended by members of the Burhan-
                                                           uddin Harahap Cabinet, which had just received
                                      the baton from the Ali Sastroamidjojo II Cabinet, and members of the
                                      Provisional DPR. From the results of the September 1955 elections, 272
                                      members were appointed. The DPR’s leadership was formed to allow
                                      power balance among the parties participating in the election. The com-
                                      position of the leadership of the DPR was as follows:

                                        •  Speaker: Mr. Sartono (PNI)

                                        •  Vice Speaker I: H. Zainul Arifin (NU)

                                        •  Vice Speaker II: Arudji Kartawinata (PSII)

                                        •  Vice Speaker III: Zainul Abidin Achmad (Masyumi)

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