P. 123

           IN INDONESIA

                                                           The  most  spectacular  efforts  made  for  the
                                                           economy were related to the rationalization of the
                                                           army.  Conservative  factions  within  the  military
           Since the inauguration                          and  conservative  political  elements  opposed

           of the Wilopo Cabinet                           the efforts, resulting in the failed rationalization
                                                           in  October  1952.  The  attempt  failed,  and  the
           by President Soekarno,                          result  was  disastrous  for  the  rationalization

           the general election                            supporters  and  a  blow  for  cabinet  leaders  and
                                                           their supporters.
           has always been an
           important issue that                            One  result  of  that  policy,  on  the  morning  of

           has received significant                        October  17,  a  shocking  demonstration  began
                                                           on  the  streets  of  Jakarta.  A  group  of  people,
           attention. One of the                           estimated at 5,000 men, broke into the parliament

           Wilopo Cabinet’s                                building and called for “Parliament is not a Coffee
                                                           Shop”. From there, they marched around the Old
           leading programs                                City, displaying well-painted banners calling for

           was to hold general                             the dissolution of parliament and the holding of
           elections for the

           Constituent Assembly                            A crowd of 30,000 people demonstrated in front
                                                           of  the  President’s  house.  Then,  through  his  ex-
           and the Regional                                traordinary speech, President Soekarno scolded

           Council.                                        and  calmed  them  down.  President  Soekarno
                                                           firmly  stated  that  there  would  be  elections  as
                                                           soon as possible. He also said that he could not
                                                           dissolve parliament that way, and if the people
                                                           asked the President to do so, it would mean ask-
                                                           ing him to become a dictator.

                                      The dissolution of the DPR was one of the issues in the Incident of Octo-
                                      ber 17, 1952. In a situation of confusion and subsequent command shocks,
                                      parliament could reaffirm the principle of civilian control over the military.

                                      It was also a challenge for politicians to immediately carry out general
                                      elections in a short period. Then, in April 1953, the passing of a law re-
                                      lated to the general election finally came to light. Elections for members
                                      of the DPR were done in September 1955, while elections for members of
                                      the Constituent Assembly were planned for December 1955.

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