P. 121

           IN INDONESIA

                                                           After  the  Sukiman  Cabinet  ended,  the  govern-
                                                           ment was continued by the Wilopo Cabinet. The
                                                           Wilopo Cabinet was a crucial period in Indone-
           The restructuring                               sia’s political history and a turning point in Indo-
                                                           nesia’s governance in the post-revolutionary pe-
           of the armed forces                             riod. The Wilopo Cabinet was the last cabinet for

           during the Wilopo                               the Indonesian government system to accept a
                                                           parliamentary system.
           Cabinet was also
           considered one of the                           During this period, political disputes between the

           best achievements                               Islamic group (Masyumi) and the secular nation-
                                                           alist party weakened the parliament. During the
           in Parliamentary                                Wilopo Cabinet, the political elite was polarized

           Democracy.                                      into what was known as solidarity makers (politi-
                                                           cal leadership) and administrators (technocrats).

                                                           During the Wilopo administration, the DPR had
                                                           a significant role in various important events. In
                                                           the early years of the Wilopo Cabinet, the DPR
                                      demanded a reorganization of the Ministry of Defense and the removal
                                      of the Army leadership in response to the military’s opposition to troop
                                      reductions. This led to the October 17, 1952 massive military and civil-
                                      ian  demonstration  at  the  Presidential  Palace  demanding  the  DPR  be
                                      disbanded. However, the restructuring of the armed forces during the
                                      Wilopo Cabinet was also considered one of the best achievements in
                                      Parliamentary Democracy.

                                      In connection with the general election planned in 1955, the Wilopo Cabi-
                                      net had already made preparations for the General Election Bill. Although
                                      introduced in 1951, the draft was not passed until 1953, and new elections
                                      were held in 1955. The results of the 1955 General Election also surprised
                                      many. The votes obtained by the Indonesian Socialist Party and Masyumi
                                      were lower than that of the PKI. After the general election, the PNI and
                                      Masyumi had 57 seats, Nahdlatul Ulama had 45 seats, and the PKI had
                                      39 seats. There were 28 parties in parliament, an increase in number
                                      compared to the 20 parties before the election.

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