P. 147

           IN INDONESIA

                                                           Therefore,  this  Parliamentary  Democracy  sys-
                                                           tem must be replaced with a Guided Democra-
                                                           cy system, a cooperative democracy, which was
             Nasution believed                             led by the wisdom of deliberation. Implementa-

             that the 1945                                 tion methods were first discussed in the National
                                                           Council, and the results were conveyed through
             Constitution would                            the President to the government. Guided Demo-
             place the President                           cracy was implemented under the 1945 Constitu-
                                                           tion because the 1950 Constitution clearly could
             in a strong position                          not become a solid basis for the new system.

             while holding him                             Realizing that significant steps were needed to

             accountable to the                            implement the Guided Democracy idea, Soekarno
             People’s Consultative                         withdrew the idea. He felt that many people were
                                                           surprised and not ready for the concept of Guided
             Assembly (MPR)                                Democracy.  It  was  only  in  1959  that  Soekarno

             and the House of                              reiterated  the  concept  of  Guided  Democracy,
                                                           accompanying it with the idea of returning to the
             Representatives                               1945 Constitution and forming the Unitary State

             (DPR) for law                                 of the Republic of Indonesia. Soekarno brought
                                                           back this idea as the Constituent Assembly failed
             approvals.                                    to make progress with the constitution.

                                                           In addition, the Army pressured the government,
                                                           the President, and political parties to decide and
                                                           support the idea of returning to the 1945 Consti-
                                                           tution. A. H. Nasution initiated the idea of return-
                                      ing to the 1945 Constitution. Nasution, the Chief of Staff of the Indonesian
                                      Army, intended to pave the way for ideological and political stability and
                                      provide a political basis for security.

                                      Nasution believed that the 1945 Constitution would place the President
                                      in a strong position while holding him accountable to the People’s Con-
                                      sultative Assembly (MPR) and the House of Representatives (DPR) for
                                      law approvals. In addition, the 1945 Constitution allowed the presence of
                                      political parties and working groups that would serve as a forum for the
                                      military in the political arena.

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