P. 165

           IN INDONESIA

                                      In relation to its supervisory function, DPR has the duties and authority
                                      to supervise the implementation of laws, State Budget, and government
                                      policies. Meanwhile, the other duties and authority of DPR are to absorb,
                                      collect, accommodate, and follow up on the aspirations of the people,
                                      including selecting members of the Audit Board by taking into account
                                      the considerations of DPD.

                                      The House of Representatives in its organizational structure and its posi-
                                      tion, duties, and authority, as well as DPR’s role in the decision-making
                                                           process, is constitutionally regulated in the 1945
                                                           Constitution.  The  DPR  is  a  high  constitutional
                                                           body in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indo-
                                                           nesia, which fully represents the aspirations of the
           Around 15 years after                           people. From the point of view of the Indonesian

           independence day/                               constitutional system, DPR is no longer a young
           the Proclamation on                             institution. It has undergone multiple corrections
                                                           and many things have changed throughout the
           17 August 1945, the                             decades. But until 1960, the DPR was only at the
           DPR had never fully                             stage of trying to carry out its roles. Around 15

           implemented the mandate                         years after independence day/the Proclamation
                                                           on 17 August 1945, the DPR had never fully im-
           of the 1945 Constitution,                       plemented the mandate of the 1945 Constitution,

           both temporary and                              both temporary and permanent, and neither did
                                                           the MPR.
           permanent, and neither
           did the MPR.                                    During the first period of the 1945 Constitution,
                                                           which  took  effect  from  18  August  1945  to  27
                                                           December 1949, when the status of the Unitary
                                                           State of the Republic of Indonesia that was pro-
                                                           claimed on 17 August 1945 changed to becoming
                                      a united state or the so-called Republic of the United States of Indonesia
                                      (RIS), the DPR was only known in the constitutional theory as referred
                                      to in 1945 Constitution. Meanwhile, in practice, the MPR had not been
                                      formed as a state institution of the Republic of Indonesia. Because the
                                      highest state institution, the MPR, had not been realized as intended by
                                      the Constitution, all its duties and authority were still carried out by the
                                      President with the assistance of the Constituent Body.

                                      The same situation occurred during the 1949 RIS Constitution period,
                                      which  took  effect  from  27  December  1949  to  17  August  1950,  when
                                      the  Unitary  State  of  the  Republic  of  Indonesia  was  one  of  the  states
                                      of the Republic of the United States of Indonesia. Similarly, during the

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