P. 189

           IN INDONESIA

                                                           The simplification of political parties was not ac-
                                                           tually aimed at eliminating the existence of politi-
           With the birth of the                           cal parties. On the other hand, when the politics
                                                           of political parties was unhealthy and inter-party
           Presidential Decree                             relations were chaotic in the parliamentary sys-

           No. 7, the Government                           tem, the government obviously could not stand

           Decree No. 3 of November                        still. There must be an action to regulate them so
                                                           that things that were destructive did not happen
           1945 was revoked,                               for the survival of the nation and the state. So, the

           which contained                                 political parties should be willing to carry out a
                                                           ceasefire, not continuously forcing their own will
           the Government’s                                for the sake of their groups, but on the contrary,

           recommendation                                  they should be able to formulate various national
           for the formation                               development programs which were the realiza-
                                                           tion of their vision and mission when establishing
           of political parties;                           a political party.
           and at the same time

           stipulated a Presidential                       The  decision  to  simplify  political  parties  must
                                                           be  implemented  because  with  the  completion
           Regulation concerning                           of the 1955 general election, the constellation of

           the main conditions                             political life had always been unstable. This was

           and requirements for                            marked by cabinets that kept changing due to the
                                                           existence of a motion of disbelief from a political
           simplification of the                           party or inter-party coalition, as a result of prob-

           political party system.                         lems that did not match the platform of one of the
                                                           supporting parties. The more profound damage
                                                           was the failure of economic development for the
                                                           welfare of the people and the cessation of the de-
                                                           velopment of the National Revolution as the ide-
                                                           als of our independence in 1945.

                                      The next stage of policy was to overhaul the political party system. The
                                      Cabinet approved a government regulation on 18 December 1959, re-
                                      garding the requirements for simplification of political parties and the
                                      formation of the National Front. The reform of the political party system
                                      was considered an important issue because it did not only regulate the
                                      existence of a political party, but also involved issues and the implemen-
                                      tation of the political party system that could be in line with the aura of
                                      the Guided Democracy.

                                      With  the  birth  of  the  Presidential  Decree  No.  7,  the  Government
                                      Decree  No.  3  of  November  1945  was  revoked,  which  contained  the

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