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Finally Soekarno appointed General Ahmad Yani as Commander of the
Army, although Yani was also against PKI and an anti-PKI. However, his
leadership style was different from Nasution’s. Yani understood the char-
acter of Javanese culture and expressed his disapproval of Soekarno’s
political policies which he did not openly convey.
One way to understand the leadership of President Soekarno was to
know the background behind Soekarno’s political thoughts about Nasa-
kom. Nasakom is an acronym for Nationalism-Re-
ligion-Communism. The idea of this thought could
be traced back to 1926, when the young Soekar-
no had already stated his thoughts on “Nasakom” .
In accordance with the reality during the national The three forces of this
movement, there were three strengths of groups movement when viewed
(organizations) of the national movements, in-
cluding the Indische Partij, Sarekat Islam (Islam from the ideological point
Association), and ISDV (Indische Sociaal Democ- of view would detail an
ratische Vereeniging).
attitude of nationalism,
The three forces of this movement when viewed based on Islam (religion),
from the ideological point of view would detail an and communism
attitude of nationalism, based on Islam (religion),
and communism (socialism). The unification of (socialism).
these three ideologies was ideal for the reality of
the social structure of our society, but it required
a fairly long process.
From this, the political life of the Government after Indonesia’s indepen-
dence could be understood. Political life during the Liberal Democracy
period was noisy for a long time with the consequences of threatening
the spirit of Soekarno’s revolutionary political thoughts. Because the rev-
olutionary political life was threatened, the birth of Nasakom during the
Guided Democracy period became one of the solutions.
President Soekarno’s highly centralized leadership gave him various
powers. In a subsequent development, on 17 August 1959, President Soe-
karno gave a speech at the Provisional MPR Session to put forward his
ideas on the Political Manifesto (Manipol). Other popular political con-
cepts that emerged at this time included Nasakom, Trisakti, and Resopin. 179