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                  leadership and the PKI, which was when the Army
                  was also preparing to support the political poli-
                  cies promulgated by President Soekarno. Political
                  stability  during  the  Guided  Democracy  era  was    At the beginning of the
                  highly dependent on President Soekarno’s role in       Guided Democracy period,
                  regulating the balance between the two legs of a       there were several events
                  pyramid’s political power.
                                                                         that could be used as

                  At the beginning of the Guided Democracy pe-           an effort to balance the
                  riod, there were several events that could be used
                  as an effort to balance the three pillars of power,    three pillars of power,
                  namely the event of the Liberation of West Irian       namely the event of the
                  (1960) and the reaction to the formation of Malay-     Liberation of West Irian
                  sia (1963). At the Liberation of West Irian, it was
                  more of a military force. Meanwhile, the anti-Ma-      (1960) and the reaction to
                  laysian policy gained the PKI a significant role in    the formation of Malaysia
                  mobilizing the masses to support this policy.          (1963).

                  In the event of the Liberation of West Irian, in a
                  meeting on 2 April 1961, the Minister of Defense/
                  Chief of Staff of the Army received an order from
                  the President/Supreme Commander for the Joint
                  Chiefs of Staff (GKS) to plan a joint operation to liberate West Irian from
                  the Dutch. From several meetings, it was decided that there were three
                  options for military operations, and the pros and cons of choosing one
                  of the military options were assessed. The results of the study of these
                  three options were sent to the President/ Supreme Commander on 30
                  June 1960, in order to carry out Operation B (military operation) to liber-
                  ate West Irian.

                  This is an example of a study of events involving the military that was
                  not yet at the stage of implementing the Liberation of West Irian. The ex-
                  planation was an example when the military was the main political sup-
                  porter of President Soekarno.

                  Furthermore, in other political developments, namely the Nasakom (Na-
                  tionalism, Religion and Communism) conception, the PKI clearly had a
                  very important meaning for President Soekarno. PKI got access to the
                  first ring of the center of power, and at the same time there was an im-
                  pression  that  President  Soekarno  would  marginalize  various  anti-PKI
                  forces. So, in short, Soekarno’s conception clearly needed the support
                  of several parties, including the PKI and several other Islamic parties. In

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