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           IN INDONESIA

                                      incident happened – also in Jakarta. This incident was an attack on the
                                      PDI office on Jalan Diponegoro and known as the Gray Saturday. The
                                      incident  on  27  July  1996  was  also  known  as  the Kudatuli  Incident  (an
                                      acronym for the July 27 Riots).

                                      The incident began with Megawati Soekarnoputri’s victory in the Ex-
                                      traordinary Congress of the Indonesian Democratic Party (KLB PDI)
                                      in Surabaya in 1993. Megawati’s victory was a threat to the New Or-
                                      der regime. This happened because of a conflict within the Indonesian
                                      Democratic Party (PDI), between the support group for Soerjadi (the
                                      General Chairperson of the 1996 Medan Congress) and the Megawati
                                                           support group (General Chairperson of the Ja-
                                                           karta National Conference 1993). It reached its
                                                           peak after the IV PDI congress in Medan on 20
                                                           June 1996.

           The New Order                                   Meanwhile, the Third PDI Congress, which was
           Government’s plot to                            held in Pondok Gede, Jakarta, on 15 April 1986,

           overthrow Megawati                              and was opened by President Soeharto, failed to
                                                           elect a general chairperson at its last session on
           Soekarnoputri                                   18 April 1986. Participants in the congress handed

           was opposed by its                              over their mandate to the Government to draft a
                                                           new Central Board. The government established
           supporters by holding                           a new Central Board for the period of 1986-1991,

           an open hearing at                              led by Soerjadi (General Chairman) and Nicolaus
                                                           Daryanto (Secretary General).
           the PDI Central Board

           Office.                                         This choice was not accepted by all PDI mem-
                                                           bers and sympathizers, so a National Conference
                                                           was held in Jakarta in 1993 where Megawati won.
                                                           Since then, there had been divisions within the
                                                           PDI, and efforts to end the dualism of its leader-
                                                           ship had been unsuccessful.

                                      When  the  PDI  Congress  was  going  to  be  held  in  Medan,  Megawati’s
                                      party then formed the Team of Defenders of the Indonesian Democracy
                                      (TPDI) led by Amertiwi Saleh, R.O. Tambunan, and Abdul Hakim Garuda
                                      Nusantara, to demand the Government to cancel the PDI Congress in
                                      Medan. However, the Congress still went on. Soeharto and his military
                                      aides engineered the PDI congress in Medan and reinstated Soerjadi as
                                      General Chairman of the PDI.

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