P. 278
Changes experienced by the parliament due to the changes in the Go-
vernment or its system were not always bad. The change of Government
from the Old Order to the New Order, for example, had implications for
the role and position of the people’s representative institution, which at
the time was called the People’s Representative Council of Mutual As-
sistance (DPR-GR). The change in the Government brought positive
changes, because the DPR-GR as a legislative body was no longer part
of or under the president (executive) as in the previous Guided Demo-
cracy era.
But, once again, a change in the Government’s
interests may change the situation from what was
considered a positive one to going backward.
When the DPR-GR finished its term of office and “The existence of the
the parliament became the DPR as a result of the
1971 general election, the New Order apparently DPR in that era was
changed its political format. intended to show
Along with the political format that was later built evidence that the New
by the New Order Government, which was ori- Order Government
ented to support its policies that focused on eco-
nomic development, hopes for the presence of a was democratic, with
parliament with an ideal role and function were elections held every five
dashed. Economic development required the
support of guarantees of political stability and na- years.”
tional security, so the DPR-RI eventually became
an institution and political force designed and di-
rected to fully support the implementation of such
economic development.
In order to more effectively control the DPR/MPR, the administration
of the New Order under President Soeharto always underpinned all his
actions constitutionally. This could be seen from a series of Provisional
MPR decrees that were born under his control, including making a strat-
egy through general elections.
Therefore, the existence of the DPR in that era was intended to show
evidence that the New Order Government was democratic, with elec-
tions held every five years. The DPR seemed to be used as a source of
legitimacy for all Government actions and policies. 271