P. 279

           IN INDONESIA

                                       However, during this long period of time, more or less during the 30 years
                                       of the New Order Government, the DPR as a legislative body had not
                                       always fully served as an instrument of Government legitimacy. There
                                       were times when, especially in the early 1990s, the DPR also played an
                                       active role in carrying out its duty as an institution that supervised and
                                       criticized Government policies. Looking at the dynamics as described
                                       in the five history books of the DPR, the description of the DPR as a Go-
                                       vernment policy stamper is not entirely correct.

                                                           When the New Order ended and Indonesia en-
                                                           tered the reformation era, or sometimes referred
                                                           to as the Reformation Order, the DPR that result-
           A century of                                    ed from the elections in this era was a different

           parliamentary life                              legislative body from the DPR in the previous ad-
           in Indonesia should
           have been completed                             The beginning of reformation could be said to be
                                                           a period of strengthening the DPR as a legisla-
           in 2018, which was                              tive body. It has transformed into a legislative in-

           exactly 100 years since                         stitution that is quite articulate in conveying the
                                                           aspirations of the people. The pressures and re-
           the Volksraad was                               straints that the Indonesian people felt during the
           born in the country                             New Order found their way to be released.

           which was later                                 In  the  process,  the  DPR  in  the  reformation  era

           named Indonesia.                                faced quite a number of problems, both internal
                                                           and  external.  A  number  of  notes  that  must  be
                                                           considered was the relationship of this institution
                                                           with the executive which was sometimes incon-
                                                           sistent in looking at a number of problems. At a
                                                           certain  point,  this  showed  the  DPR’s  efforts  to
                                       optimize its supervisory function, something that was clearly not done
                                       optimally by the DPR during the New Order administration.

                                       On the other hand, sometimes, the supervisory function was also not
                                       optimal, in which the majority of members of the DPR came from the
                                       same party as the elected president. Especially if the president at the
                                       same time served as chairman or other important position in a political
                                       party. The culture of some Indonesians who are very reluctant to criticize
                                       influential figures was very difficult to distinguish from how they should
                                       behave in every activity within the Council. The atmosphere of the politi-
                                       cal party that supposedly should not be carried away when members of

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