P. 196

The third principle that we have adopted is the framework of representativeness. We recognize
                                          that representativeness is an essential, particularly to increase citizen trust in parliament. It
                                          is our conviction that increased representativeness increases the legitimacy and standing of

                                          To ensure the highest degree of representativeness, we have demonstrated several proactive
                                          structural mechanisms. For instance, the parliamentarians are required by law to have five
                                          sessions a year for constituency service activity. It is the session for Members of Parliament
                                          to devote major portions of their time to hear constituency’s needs, and even providing
                                          assistance to individual constituents. On the institution level, we have improved the public
                                          online gateway to enhance and encourage citizen’s presence  in parliamentary activities. To
                                          intensify communication between parliamentarians and their constituents, parliament has
                                          facilitated member of parliaments with a “house of aspirations” in all electoral districts. House
                                          of aspiration is aimed to bring constituents closer to Member of Parliaments. Through adopting
                                          this framework, we ensure that the parliament activities in legislation, oversight, and budgeting,
                                          in line with the public needs.

                                          Let me to conclude by expressing that today, more than ever, we have witnessed that the agenda
                                          of open parliaments is at the core of mandate of parliamentarians around the world. And today
                                          conference is solid evidence on how we transform that mandate into a real agenda.

                                          And since its inception in 2013, Open  Parliaments has transformed itself into a global
                                          movement. I am among those who regard that more openness on parliament could improve
                                          more trust of citizens to the institutions. And I also believe we all share the view that openness
                                          and transparency are keys to build a democratic parliament.

                                          Furthermore, although the problem of low-level of public trust in parliament remains  a
                                          fundamental issue that still needs to confront, don’t let it makes us pessimistic. Instead, what
                                          we need to day is the continuous and creative effort to improve citizen trust in parliament,
                                          particularly by advancing the use of technology in the parliamentary activities.

                                               Selected Speeches of the Vice Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia  I 183
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