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P. 14
Looking into the specific example of the city of Barcelona the figure below shows this concept applied to a set of
services. The starting point will be the city requirements or conclusions from research centers or RFI Processes. It
usually starts with someone (often a startup) proposing a project. This project evolves into a pilot with the city
supporting it. If the pilot is successful, the project can be expanded to a larger area or constituency and if that is
successful the city has created a new normal that inspires and creates new pilots in other areas or services.
Figure 3. Barcelona Urban Labs
How Urban Labs Proposals work:
• Once the proposal is accepted, the municipality assigns a project manager from the municipality, who will:
1) Study and agree on the feasibility of the proposed project.
2) Facilitate the access to the infrastructure
3) Negotiate with local contractor’s installation and maintenance of equipment for the proposed living lab.
4) Participate in results analysis
• Costs associated with the project (management, installation and maintenance) are not covered by the
• However, if the project has interest for the municipality the city can provide sources of funding programs in
order to collaborate on grants/proposals with proposal entity.
Report title: Connected City Blueprint
11 Issue Date: 15 December 2016 Wireless Broadband Alliance Confidential & Proprietary.
Copyright © 2016 Wireless Broadband Alliance
Document Version: 1.0