Page 154 - March On! God will Provide by Brother Aubert
P. 154
Chapter 22
Flrnr rRoJECTED scHoor, rN Bnucns for the deaf and
.1- dumb, abour which Mr. Ryken and Father Van
Beek had been so wrought up in the late months of
1851, remained for them in 1852 a matter of first im-
gslh gentlemen were experienced enough to realize
that they had to have the approval of at least some
members of the English hierarchy before they sent their
circulars to the lower clergy. Mr. Ryken enlisted the
ald of Scott Nasmyth Stokes, Esq., secretary of the Cath-
olic Poor Schools Committee, whom he had visited in
the summer of 1850. The dedicated Stokes lost no time
in securing the approval of Cardinal Wiseman, and. he
or the Brothers in Manchester obtained similar letters
from Bishgr- Turner in Manchester and Bishop Thomas
J. Brown, Bishop of Newport and Menevia. fhese testi-
monials were incorporated into the four-page circular
announcing the foundation of this new schbol.
In l-une, 1852, during his visit to England, Mr. Ryken
rnailed to each of the Catholic bishopJ one of the pros-
pectuses along with a copy of the letter from an oftcial
oi $e Dutch governmenr vouching for the excellence
of the work done by Father Van Beek.
He also sent along an appeal for vocations: ,,As soon
as we are able, we propose to have a house for the deaf
T9 d"rr::P in England, and Your Lordship would fa-
cilitate this object if you could send me some young men
o.f intelligence who have also a vocation to the ,efgio,rs
life. This would better insure our permanence-and