Page 183 - March On! God will Provide by Brother Aubert
P. 183
162 No EScApE FRoM LouBvrLLE
I City Council to lift the building restricrions on rhe
Iand which he had purchased us ihe site of a church
and school. Things would have to wait.
The success of the Knownothings was not a local
triump!. 1854 they had electedforty Congressmen
and had been the swaggering victors in'the mlunicipal
e_lections in Philadelphia Battimore, San Francisco, If,ew
Orleans, New York, ind Louisville.
From the brief note,s in the European newspapers,
Brother Ryken knew what was happening. He wuj rot
taken by surprise. fle remembered-from-the lg30's the
burning of the Ursuline Convent in Charlestown, a
suburb of Boston. That was about the time that he and
Father Van den Poel had gone aboard ship in New york
on theirway-to_Bruges. He knew thar ne naa to be pa-
tient and wait for further developments in Boston. '
In the meantime the Father Superior had other plans
for other foundations. "We shafl open a branch-frouse
in Germany," he wrote on Decemder 27, tgb4,..when
we shall have more German Brothers and when the times
have- become more propitious. An agreement has been
concluded and has been approved in writing by the
Cardinal of Cologne."
I.[egotiations for opening a house in Hamont, a small
village in Belgium, went through rapidly.
This was face-toface- conferring with no delays^ inci-
dental to distance and dependenie on the written word.
.The _possibilities in Hamont appealed because this
village lay bey_ond rhe confines of [fr1 diocese of Bruges,
and Brother Ryken always wanted it understood t-hat
his was not a diocesan organization.
Sometime after Easter Sunday, April g, lgb5, he ac-
companied to f{amont the three Broihers he had chosen
to_ begin this foundation. They were to teach in the
village school, and Rev. J. H. Oyea the pastor, was to