Page 218 - March On! God will Provide by Brother Aubert
P. 218
To Obtain the Beatification of
BnorHrn FneNcrs Xevrng C.F.X.
(Priaate Deaotion)
O Who lovest the humble of hearr and
hast promised to exalt those who labor to instruct others
unto justicg deign to manifest the virtues of Thy servant,
Brother Francis Xavier, by granting us through his in-
tercession the favors we are seeking, so that, according
to Thy Holy Will, he may be glorified on earth by the
Church. Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
(Approueil by the Vi,cariate of Rome, tanuary 21, 1955)
All who receive favors through the intercession of
Brother Francis Xavier are asked to make them known to:
Vrny Rnv. Bnornnn PnovrNcrel
4409 Fnrnnnrcr AwNur
Ber-rruonr 29, Menyr,eNn
Vnny Rnv. Bnorrrrn PnovrNclel
601 WrNcnrsrnn Srnsrr
NrwroN 61, MessecnusETTs