Page 28 - March On! God will Provide by Brother Aubert
P. 28

Chapter  2

          WAITING        FOR  A  SOLUTION

      T ust wnr,nr  oR wHEN oR How, Mr. Ryken conceived
      J   the idea of founding a Brotherhood  is not known.
      Ho*euet,  something is known about his activities  from
      the time he concluded  what he refers to as "that aposto-
      late of elementary  Christian Doctrine"  to the time that
      he went to Rome and presented  his proposition  to Pope
      Leo XII.
        For several years, probably  from 1823 to 1826,  he
      was associated  rvith a-sort of boarding  school for small
      boys. It  was called "Meer en Bosch," the Dutch  for
      "Sia and Woods." This was a pet project of  Joachim
      George Le Sage, the famed Dutch  convert, and was lo-
      cated at Loosduinen, a suburb of The }Iague.2
        The Le Sage idea was to help poor boys to become-
      good, indust.lors,  obedient,  and useful  members  of
      iociety. The conditions  for admission  were "gteat need
      and a request from parents  or guardians." Founded in
      1823, the-school  or Institute  had a very short existence,
      six years at most. The total of boys accepted did not
      exceed  twenty.
        At "Meer en Bosch"  were several men to teach the
      boys the trade of tleir choice or the one wished  ofi on
      them. Theodore Ryken was one of these  instructors.  He
      taught shoe-making.  He also served  as duty-master,  and
      this-gave him a general supervision  of the boys. Tor-the
      *o.k* in the clasiroom there was a teacher who lived in
      the town. This was a measure of prudence. In 1823,
      only State-operated  schools had a right to exist in
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