Page 49 - March On! God will Provide by Brother Aubert
P. 49
I went at once for advice to Father Van de Kerck-
hove. He wrote to Bishop Rosati of St. Louis and
to the Jesuit Fathers at the same place. After a long
time a letter came from Father Verhaegen, Provin-
cial, addressed to Father Van de Kerckhove, saying
that there was no prospect for lay religious among
the Red Skins, that they themselves, the
priests, had to overcome almost insurmountable
difficulties so that even the holy missionaries trem-
bled amidst the perils they met. What could lay
brotlters do, ignorant of the language of the natives?
Hearing that terrifying news and considering my
complete isolation, I ventured to say to Father:
"Would I do well to see Father Van Crombrugghe,
founder of the and ask to join himi"
"You can do that," he answered.
"But, Father," I said, "what do you think of it?"
"I think," he said, "that it will never work. Two
dogs-on one bone never agree. He who has a plan
in his head must carry it out."
This was the first time that he advised me ro do
it myself, and for the first time I dared to think of
undertaking the foundation and of achieving it.
"What about starring it at once and goirrg to
"Let the Bishop of Bruges read this letter.,, This
was the letter of Father Verhaegen rejecting my
"No doubt," I said, "the Bishop lvill turn up his
nose at this letter."
"Yes, but there are some points in the letter that
are favorable."
Sornewhat in dismay I went to Bruges with the
famous letter. Beforehand I had drawn up a state-
ment in which I tried as well as I could to answer