Page 9 - Carrollton 2003
P. 9

The 2002-2003  edition of Yggsdrassil is dedicated
                                                           with love to Mr. Michael Hacker. More than a
                                                           history or current global events teacher, Mr.
                                                           Hacker is an inspiration. Through his genuine
                                                           passion for what he teaches, Mr. Hacker
                                                           encourages his students to delve into current
                                                           affairs and become aware of global issues.

                                                           For all his tireless efforts in helping to organize
                                                           Close-Up, in teaching that a love of history never
                                                           goes out of date, and for providing doughnuts -
                                                           the breakfast of champions, the class of 2003
                                                           offers their thanks and love.  Thank you, Mr.
                                                           Hacker, for all that you do, all that you are, and
                                                           all that you inspire us to be.
            Who’s afraid of the big bad flu? Not Mr. Hacker!

                              Mr. Hacker personally wished the
                              students “Merry Christmas to all
                              and to all a good night!”

    Mr. Hacker was attacked
    by the Gold Team.
    GoldMembers strike
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