Page 29 - Raynes Park Vale v VCD Athletic
P. 29


       Callum Hope

      Day job - I work for a specialty insur-
      ance company on the underwriting

      Quote - "If you are first you are first. If
      you are second you are nothing" - Bill

      Pre-match tune - any song will do real-
      ly just as long as Louie D is on the mic!

      What keeps you at RPV - this year we
      have a really strong squad, a good set
      up and just a good group of lads.  We
      have everything we need for this to be
      a competitive season and who doesn’t
      want to be part of a succesful squad?
                                            Childhood team - Chelsea FC

                                            Favourite player - John Terry. I dont
                                            think any explanation is needed for
                                            this one.  Captain, leader, legend!

                                            Best looking team member - After see-
                                            ing how upset he was last week for not
                                            winning this one I'm going to have to
                                            give it to Jordan Gallagher.

                                            Worst dressed -  I'm  going  to  have  to
                                            pass the title back to James Smith for
                                            this one.  The animal shirt and running
                                            trainers to the last team night out were
                                            worse than my ‘table cloth’.
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