Page 23 - Microsoft Word - Letter to Steven King rev2
P. 23
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Site Location & Description A large industrial building set back from the Lewes Road. Large car park behind. Ancient
woodland at rear of site.
Proposal Two outline proposals submitted for mixed housing development. One proposal comprises 60
flats (of which 12 would be Affordable Homes) and 10 houses, all buildings to be three storeys.
The other proposal is 52 flats (of which 12 would be Affordable Homes) and 16 houses, most to
be thre.e. §toreys, some one. �ng fv-i() §toreys.
Gross Area (Ha) 1.2 including woodland, 0.8 excluding woodland.
HSD site reference (if applicable) and 470
Overall Conclusion
Suitability for residential use at the site is established by two existing apartment blocks on the
site although lost employment land should be relocated or justified at application stage. There is
a reasonable prospect that the site will be developable in the 6-10 year period. Despite
detachment from the built-up area boundary, potential for conversation of existing buildings
meets criteria for Assessment as brownfield site.
Surrounding Land Uses · Residential to north (across Lewes Road), and east. To the west, the site adjoins Wealden
House Life Improvement Centre, which is in business use. Ancient woodland to the south.
Site Boundaries Tall trees and hedging to Lewes Road boundary, fencing to east, open to western boundary,
wooded to south.
Is the site Greenfield/ Brownfield/ Mix? Brownfield.
SO 31Env
Existing/previous use Leased to EDF Energy, current lease expires 2017-2018.
Site planning history Recent applications include:
GR/027/85 - permission for 35 metre high radio mast. Several applications relating to changes
to the mast. 08/01707IFUL - permission for two storey extension. 09/01353/FUL - permission
for mechanical plant and security fencing. 10/02189/FUL - permission for security fencing
around mechanical plant.
Where is the site located in relation to the Outside.
built up area of the village?
SO 1/Env
How would the development of this site Most of the surrounding area is residential, so appropriate residentiai development would relate
relate to the surrounding uses? well, however at the scale proposed there might be an adverse impact on neighbouring
Impact of proposed use, design and properties.
scale of the development
How is the site currently accessed? Is it Driveway onto the Lewes Road (A22). Access is over land belonging to adjacent site (14).
accessible from the Highway network?
SO 81Env
Proximity to community facilities and It is necessary to cross the A22 to reach viUage facilities, but there are pavements along the
se!Vices route. Possible to walk to the school along pavements although it is some distance and the A22
SO 101Soc, 11/Soc and other roads would need to be crossed. Close to public transport links (bus stop) on A2.2.
Characieristics which may affect Site is mainly level but drops down to the south where the woodland is located.
development on the site:
There are possibly views into the site from footpaths and land below, although the woodland
Topography would provide some screening and new buildings are likely to be more attractive than the
Views existing building on the site. Views from the site over open countryside.
AWNP SA Update Report September 2015 81
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