Page 24 - Microsoft Word - Letter to Steven King rev2
P. 24

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              Performance against sustainability   ;  Although outside the built up area, this is the highest performing site, as it is brownfield land.
              objectives                   Too many dwellings could lead to an increase in traffic along the A22, however the current use
                                           generates traffic. Site large enough to provide a mix of accommodation, including affordable
                                           homes. Owner has suggested possibility of care home or assisted housing. Development would
                                           result in the loss of a long-term business, but owner has advised that the current building is
                                           unlikely to be suitable for further business use. Could facilitate home working and if assisted
                                           housing or care home included, some new jobs would be created.

              Viability                    MSDC considers that viability might be an issue, and the owner has advised that a high number
                                           of dwellings would be required to make the site deliverable.

             Landow�fJ�l'li!ling?          Site submitted by landowner:
              Timeframe                    After 2017.

                                           Very favourable response to site during consultations. First consultation 71 :21 in favour, second
                                           was 135:31 in favour, however few responses from immediate neighbours.  Most comments
                                           were favourable (no impact on village centre and view expressed that this best fulfils the future
                                           requirements for the village).  Some felt that the number of dwellings proposed was too high.

             Suitability                   Site is suitable for development.

             Constraints                   Ancient woodland would require buffer. Communications mast would need to be relocated to
                                           enable development. Electricity sub station at front of site. Site not available until lease expires.
                                           Site might not come foiward if parties renew the lease.

             Potential housing capacity    50+
             Explanation I Justification   There is public support for the use of this brownfield site. Two apartment blocks, totalling 14
                                           flats, have been built on a former part of the site and development at a similar scale would be
                                           acceptable, but careful design would be needed to respect the character of adjoining and
                                           neighbouring buildings including the adjacent Victorian Manor House (on site 14).

             Recommendation                The site is recommended for allocation in the Neighbourhood Plan.

                AWNP SA Update Report                 September 2015                                82

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