Page 1 - Microsoft Word - MJC letter to MSDC Rev3a
P. 1

9 Ashbourne House
                                                      Ashbourne Park
                                                       Lewes Road
                                                      Ashurst Wood
                                                       West Sussex
                                                        RH19 3TB
                                   Telephone: 01342 312050  Email:

                                                                                             16  July 2018

               Dear Sirs,

               Planning Application DM/18/1548

               This letter and the supporting paper have been prepared:

                   a)  As a formal submission to Mid Sussex District Council (MSDC) in relation to the above
                       planning application;

                   b)  To invite the developers - Ashgrove Homes Limited (AHL) and GCP Developments
                       Limited - to share the full extent of their plans, review and where necessary correct
                       expert reports and voluntarily amend the Design and Access Statement so that they
                       comply with planning principles: especially on density, design, entrance and traffic

                   c)  In the alternative to b) above, to encourage a collaborative effort to produce an
                       Agreed Statement of Facts intended to reduce the need for extended debate if a
                       referral is made for an injunction, appeal or Judicial Review;
                   d)  As a brief for legal advice on possible Human Rights and other breaches.

               I make it clear from the outset that I am not opposed in principle to development of the
               Wealden House sites, but I strongly object to the present application because of:

                    •  Its absence of justification in terms of “Objectively Assessed Need” (OAN);
                    •  Its scale, density, “starkly urban” and admittedly “urbs in rure” design which violate
                       areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty as well as the character and distinctiveness of
                       Ashurst Wood;

                    •  Its impact on the A22 and entrance and traffic flows within the proposed

                    •  Non-compliance with specific recommendations made by MSDC at the pre-
                       application stage;

                    •  Wholesale disregard of planning policies, development plans and processes;

                    •  Transparency failures (Especially in relation to the integrated development of an
                       estimated 120 flats) and process breaches;
               Further, implementation of the current and integrated plans would result in developments
               that will ravage Ashurst Wood and make laughing stocks of planners, officials, developers and
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