Page 39 - Microsoft Word - MJC letter to MSDC Rev3a
P. 39
And stipulations
7.6 Comments on Key Elements: Internal Traffic Flows (Continued)
The TRICS factor (of 0.241 equal to 24%) for peak hour morning departures from residential
flats suggest that 26 vehicles would arrive at the A22. But a more realistic factor (Representing
an employment rate of 58-70% in the area) indicates that the total is around 75. However,
because of the right-turn blockage onto the A22 (See Table 6:page 23) only 25 vehicles could
leave within 60 minutes of arrival Page | 29
Flows for the integrated development of an estimated 120 flats is calculated as follows:
Figure 16: Internal traffic flows from the integrated development
The TRICS data suggests a flow of 69 vehicles but a more realistic estimate is between 101 and
Thus, the conclusion is that in the peak morning hour around 100 vehicles would wish
to leave the integrated development for the A22 and only 25 will succeed .
7.7 Parking
The application and supporting expert statements appear to rely on the MSDC Local Plan of
2004 and policy T4 as the authority for calculating parking requirements, using the WSCC
demand calculator. This produced a figure of 100 parking spaces, which a good fairy reduced
to 93, resulting in an average of 1.30 spaces per apartment overall and 0.8 spaces for
affordable homes. Most spaces are not assigned to specific flats, thereby triggering early
evening scuffles.
39 It should be noted that these figures have been calculated by a non-expert. However, the general conclusion of
a serious internal log jam is believed to be correct: it is only a matter of degree
40 Mostly dated April 2018