Page 41 - Microsoft Word - MJC letter to MSDC Rev3a
P. 41
And stipulations
7.Comments of Key Elements (Continued)
7.9 The Seeboard Tower
The 35m high Seeboard, lattice tower (Site ref CTIL-123082, VF 4486) dominates the site and
is shared by Vodafone, Orange and EE.
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Figure 17: The Seeboard Tower
The tower was subject to a planning decision (14/01257/FUL) in April 2014 which permitted
raising its height from 20 metres to 35 metres and adding several transmitters. AHL is
understood to be negotiating to have the tower removed and has announced that it will
not go ahead with the current application if it fails .
Permission to increase the height of the tower was obtained on the assurance that it
was not adjacent to a school. This is misleading because Brambletye School is less than
100 yards away.
7.10 Infrastructure and Section 106 Offsets
The development would put all infrastructure services under pressure, and especially :
• refuse collection :with around 200 “wheelie bins” disfiguring the estate, as illustrated
in the appalling clutter in East Grinstead:
• sewage: with existing Southern Water Waste Treatment Works in Luxford Lane so
overburdened that sludge must be collected by tankers: seven days a week:
• schools: with few local places at primary schools and vacancies for older pupils only in
East Grinstead:
• medical services: are already overwhelmed making it difficult to fix appointments;
thereby diverting patients to accident and emergency services:
On 10 July 2018, a “Planning Services Division: Section 106 Consultation Response” was
added to MSDC website, supposedly setting out how some – but not all- infrastructure
impacts could be offset by payment. The formulae of calculating the amounts are largely
incomprehensible and - where they can be audited – bordering on nonsensical.
42 The terms of the contact for the placement of the tower are not known.
43 The application dated 19th April 2018 certified that no other person etc---had a leasehold interest in any of the
WH:EDF site