Page 6 - 2024 WSON Winter
P. 6

New Year, New Daring Opportunities: A Call to Action

                                             Jessica Tufts, 2nd Vice-president—Membership Chair

                                      The start of a new year   Daring to Lead:
                                  brings with it an opportunity      Leadership is not confined to a title; it's a mindset.
                                  for reflection and growth. Our   As DKG members, someone saw in you the ability and
                                  state has been working hard   potential to be a leader amongst educators. I encourage
                                  behind the scenes to support   each member to step into a leadership role, whether big
                                  chapters and members, but     or small. Take the initiative to lead a project, organize an
                                  we know the true heart of the   event, or spearhead a new initiative. Your unique skills
         organization lies within the chapters and the individual   and perspectives are invaluable assets that can contribute
         members. As we embrace this new year, you are encour-  significantly to the growth and success of your chapter,
         aged to be daring.                                     and in turn, the growth and success of the state and
         Daring to Dream:                                       organization as a whole.
             Every great accomplishment begins with a dream.    Daring to Learn:
         Our founders had a dream and look what has been           In the spirit of professional and personal growth,
         accomplished because of it. I challenge each member    let's challenge ourselves to learn something new this
         to dream big this year. Consider the untapped potential   year: attend workshops, engage in training sessions, or
         within yourself and your chapter and envision the impact   explore new educational methodologies. By expanding
         we can make in the lives of our members and the broader   our knowledge base, we not only enrich ourselves but
         educational community. What bold initiatives could we   also contribute to the intellectual vibrancy of our chapter.
         undertake? What transformative changes could we        The State Convention in April is a wonderful time to learn
         bring about?                                           something new!
         Daring to Collaborate:                                 Daring to Recruit:
             Our strength lies in our unity, and this year pre-      Chapter vitality, and in turn state vitality, depends on
         sents an excellent opportunity for collaboration. Reach   our membership. I encourage each one of you to be
         out to your fellow members (both in your chapter and   daring in your efforts to recruit new members. Share
         outside it), share your ideas, and foster a culture of    your positive experiences with DKG, highlight the benefits
         open communication. By pooling our collective talents   of being a part of our community, and invite educators
         and resources, we can not only enhance the chapter's    you admire to join us. By expanding our membership,
         vitality but also foster a sense of camaraderie among    we enhance the diversity and dynamism of the chapter
         all members.                                           and state.
                                                                   The membership committee and executive officers
                  Welcome New Members                           are here to support you and your chapter in any way that
                     Congratulations and welcome                you need, but you must act and ask. Let’s push forward
                    to our newly inducted members.              into the new year as daring women educators!
               Rhonda Widmer    Beta Upsilon Grand Coulee
               Renee Zilla      Beta Upsilon Grand Coulee                     White Roses
               Sasha Tiffany                Psi Kennewick                  of Remembrance
               Amae Merrill                 Theta Yakima
               Kacey Royce                  Theta Yakima              We have lost two members since
               Kelly Bermingham              Eta Spokane           November 2023. They will be honored in the
                                                                   Celebration of Life at the 2024 State Convention.
               Stephanie Menefee            Alpha Tacoma
               Melissa Salveti               Eta Spokane           Joy Gault                         Mu Clark
               Cheryl Slagle                 Eta Spokane           Mary Lou Knox             Beta Sigma Seattle
               Crystal Hines                 Eta Spokane

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