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              British Council boot camp boosts                                                1500 turn up

              Thai teachers use of English                                                    for training

              By Matt Salusbury          exceeded expectations.     Training  Centres  (RETCs)  By Matt Salusbury
                                           The programme was established   and is known as RETC Boot
              Over  15,000 Thai teachers  are   after a nationwide  assessment   Camp.  It aims to promote   Over 100 trainers ran 92
              now using English more often in   of 40,000 English teachers in   ‘real communication  with  less   workshops for 1500 public sector
              their classes,  following a three   Thailand’s state primary and   reliance on learning by rote,’   school teachers in a one-day
              week ‘boot camp’ run by the   secondary schools found that two   as  well  as teaching students  to   event in Oklahoma.
              British Council. Over 90 per   thirds  of them tested  at A2 on   ‘actually  speak English’  rather   The  mass  training  day,
              cent of attendees reported  their   the CEFR, an elementary  level,   than relying  on the currently   designed to help mainstream
              ‘subject knowledge’ of English had   barely above that of some of their   prevalent  ‘grammar-vocabulary’   teachers to cope with the needs
              improved.                  students.                  methodology.              of English language learners
                The results of the programme,   This revelation led to the   RETC Boot Camp has been   (ELLs), took place at Putnam
              which is  run by  the Council in   project in which more than 30   running for two and a half years   City North High School in
              partnership with the Ministry   Thai  ‘master trainers’ with  good   now. Thomas Kral, Head of   a suburb of the state capital,
              of Education were released  in   English skills have been employed   Academic Management at the   Oklahoma City.
              September.                 to mentor and upskill 17,000  of   British Council’s RETC  project   The trainers were drawn
                Andrew  Glass, director  of   the nation’s state school English   told the Gazette that these courses   from the state’s specialist ELL
              British Council Thailand, told   instructors.         were for many teachers ‘the first   instructors, people like Sally
              The Nation newspaper,  ‘the   The initiative is run via   time they were exposed to English   Diaz, an elementary teacher
              outcome  of  the project has   Thailand’s  Regional  English  and communicative methodology   who ‘specializing in teaching
                                                                    in such an intensive way.’  children who are in the process
                                                                     The Nation reported Thailand’s   of learning English’, according
                                                                    Minister of  Education  Teerakiat   to local website News OK.
                                                                    Jareonsettasin as saying the   Just over ten per cent of the
                                                                    development of  Thai  students’   population of the southwestern
                                                                    English still needed serious   state are now L1 Spanish
                                                                    improvement.  The  inability  speakers, according to the 2016
                                                                    of most school leavers  to   census – an increase of 85 per
                                                                    communicate in English after 12   cent since 2000. Two thirds of
                                                                    years of study remains the biggest   them were born in the USA.
                                                                    obstacle to global competition.  The state, which has been hit
                                                                                              by  a spate of  teacher  activism
                                                                   Thai English teachers      fuelled by the low level of
                                                                   on an RETC Boot Camp       funding for  education, has
                                                                   course learn to use the    revised its definition of English
                                                                   ‘communcative approach’    language learners in an effort to
                                                                   in the classroom           improve their outcomes.

              Thousands of new Teflers being recruited for Taiwan

              By Matt Salusbury          William Lai to make English ‘an   Mainland China is poised to  Exam Centre told the paper.
                                         official language.’        implement such tests ‘in the next   ‘To maintain its international
              Taiwan    has   announced    The programme will also   few years and Hong Kong has done  competitiveness, Taiwan must not
              scholarships for 1,000 Taiwanese   involve recruiting and training   so many years ago,’ Liu Meng-chi,  fall behind in English proficiency,’
              English teachers to study abroad   5,000 more Taiwanese English   College Director of the Entrance  he added.
              as part of a major recruitment   teachers and hiring some 4,600
              drive which will see the English   new ‘foreign’ English teachers for
              language teaching force on the   its schools.
              island increase by nearly 10,000.  English courses in primary                                             JORGE CANCELA
                The drive to increase the   schools will be extended to three
              number of  teachers  is  one  of a   hours a week for grades three to
              range of policies introduced to   six. There are no plans to lower
              meet the country’s needs, and   the age at which English is started
              follows the call by Prime Minister   or to lift the ban on English
                                         medium preschool.
              PANK LU YIU                the government is also proposing
                                           The  Taipei Times  reports that
                                         to  phase  in compulsory  English
                                         courses as part of all university
                                         degree programmes.
                                           There are also plans to introduce
                                         compulsory spoken English tests
                                         as part of the university entrance
              School prizegiving in Taiwan  exam within the next three years.   Taipei cityscape


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