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BUSINESS NEWS                    .

              UK rankings: how you did last summer

              Melanie Butler reports on updated British            kind of traditional boarding   run schools continue to punch
              Council inspection results from summer 2018          school that is the strongest   well above their weight. Victoria
                                                                   sector in the rankings.    School of English and St Brelade’s
              Summer is the busiest time of   first inspection with twelve   Much more unusual is the   Jersey, both established in 1978
              year for the British Council   areas out of a possible fifteen.   junior operation of a major   – the same year as the Gazette –
              Inspectors and a wave of their   Wimbledon’s School of English   chain, Regent. In a sector   are welcome new entries, while
              findings have been published   is just behind, achieving ten   where the big names tend to   ECS (as English Country Schools
              since the  EL  Gazette  last  ran   points in just its second year of   underperform, Regent Summer   is now called) continues to climb
              the full listing of our Centres of   operation.      Schools is the only operation   upwards.
              Excellence in September.    Overall,  Summer  Boarding   with the best score in the chain.   But the most extraordinary
                Having trawled through the   Courses comes in top – the first   Indeed, there are only two large   story is in the university sector
              publishable statements in every   summer operator in the country   chains where the junior summer   where Liverpool has zoomed up
              new report, and calculating every   to achieve a perfect school and   school  operations  hit  the  to second position. With 13 out
              area of strength and subtracting   just nosing in ahead of Discovery   rankings, the other being British   of 15 it comes in just under the
              every need for improvement we   Summer whose report had one   Study Centres.    top ranking summer school: the
              are delighted to announce that   little problem in the area of   Another  chain,  value  University of Manchester, which
              a record 17 new centres have   publicity, and meant they came   operator Oxford House College,   also has 13, but out of only14
              scores of eight areas of strength   in with 14 areas.  makes its first appearance in   possible areas of strength, since
              or more, and are thus new   It is not surprising that   our charts, while the Kings   it doesn’t take under-18s. And
              Centres of Excellence.     summer schools predominate   group now has three of its four   the third highest ranking uni is
                The list of new entrants is led   in a list of schools inspected   year-round schools scoring ten   new entrant Edge Hill, located
              by Edge Hill University, which   between June and September.   points or above. International   between the two with 12 out of 14
              has broken the record for the   The seven summer winners   House Newcastle, up to 12   areas of strength (a score it shares
              highest score ever awarded on   include Stonyhurst, run by the   areas of strength, continues the   with Brighton).
                                                                   IH tradition of reaching the   This means that the North
                                                                   top ten per cent of schools in   West of England now dominates
                     NEW CENTRES OF EXCELLENCE                     the country, based on its latest   the university language centre
                           (number of areas of strength in         British  Council  publishable  rankings – one reason, perhaps,
                      British Council summary statements, after    statement.                 that this region is becoming a
                        needs for improvement are deducted)          Long-established,  family-  powerhouse of UK EFL.

                            Edge Hill University (12)
                             Chichester College (10)
                               Kings Brighton (10)
                           Regent Summer School (10)
                        Stonyhurst Language Schools (10)
                          Victoria School of English (10)
                         Wimbledon Schools of English
                           Junior Summer Courses (10)
                            Embassy English London (9)
                                EF Eastbourne (9)
                                 INTO QUB (9)
                           St Brelade’s College Jersey (9)
                             UK Language Centres (9)
                        Churchill House Summer Centres (8)
                             Kensington Academy (8)
                            Leeds School of English (8)
                         Oxford House College London (8)
                              Swansea University (8)

                         RISING UP THE RANKINGS

                         Summer Boarding Courses (15)
                     Bell Cambridge, Discovery Summer (14)
                            Liverpool University (13)
                       International House Newcastle (12)
                          Kaplan International Bath (11)
                          English Country Schools (10)
                               Leeds University (9)

              14                                                                                  December / January 2018

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