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NEWS        .

              Irish Tefl teachers’ terms slammed as

              Senate debate new regulations

              By Matt Salusbury          is  widespread  bogus  self-
              Irish senator Lynn Ruane,has   employment’. Non-native speaker
              condemned    the   ‘terrible  teachers were frequently paid
              conditions under which English   lower wages, the senator claimed.
              language teachers… are working’   Roy Hassey, of trade union
              in the country.            Unite, told the Gazette that they                                              UNITE THE UNION, REPUBLIC OF IRELAND
                The  independent  senator  had ‘been working on this over the
              was speaking  during debate   last year’ with Senator Ruane and
              on  the  Qualifications  and  others on the left.
              Quality Assurance (Education   Unite,  which  has  been
              and Training) Bill 2018. This   building  membership  among
              empowers the regulator, Quality &   English language teachers, hopes
              Qualifications Ireland (QQI), to   amendments will be proposed
              scrutinise the financial capacity of   in November. These include a
              ELT providers, but omits mention   Fair Employment Mark to ensure
              of employment law compliance.   language  schools  comply  with
                In her speech, Ruane recounted   employment law and to establish
              how   Parliament’s  Education  a teacher protection fund to cover
              Committee had ‘received accounts   teachers’ wages in the event of a
              of teachers receiving no contract   school’s closure. Senator Raune’s
              for their work despite working for   office told the Gazette there is
              the same provider for years.’  an opportunity for this at the
                ‘Zero and low-hour contracts   next Committee stage of the Bill,
              are the norm,’ she said, ‘as   which is expected to pass before   Members of Unite the union protest terms and
                                         Christmas 2018.                      conditons of English teachers at a protest outside
                                           Unite’s submission to the                     DCAS school Dublin, October 2018
                                         Education Committee included
                                         the example of Limerick school   to the employment conditions of   association Marketing English in
                                         LISC/Lanlearn.  This  closed  employees of the institutions with   Ireland (MEI) said, ‘It is part of
                                         suddenly in March 2018, after   which we engage’.    MEI membership… that a school
                                         its  owner  ‘absconded…[and]  The Bill ‘will require providers   is compliant with all details of Irish
                                         teachers and staff were left with   to be compliant with national   legislation regarding taxation,
                                         one month’s unpaid wages’.  legislation, including employment   health and safety, and employment
                                           QQI communications manager   law.  Alleged  breaches  of  law.’ He added that, ‘in the event
                                         Grainne Mooney told the Gazette:   employment law come under the   of any individual feeling that their
                                         ‘the remit of QQI, as stated under   remit of the Workplace Relations   rights or entitlements are in any
                                         its establishing legislation and   Commission.’      way infringed, then there are state
                           Irish Senator   as envisaged in the amended   David  O’Grady,  CEO  of  mechanisms available to them to
                            Lynn Ruane
                                         Bill… does not  currently extend   accredited  language  schools  seek redress.’


                   courses are up in Cuba.  for ‘help’ with test.  of English? India’s vice   to play for EFL.  to stay and work.
                   Language schools in   An elementary English   president Venkaiah   Learning English is   Denmark plans to make it
                   Havana are seeing an   language teacher in   Naidu has condemned   essential for foreign   easier for its recent non-
                   increase in enrolments,   the USA has been   the influence of English   footballers looking for   EU graduates to stay and
                   driven by a growth in   suspended without   on Indian culture. The   work in the EFL (English   work in Denmark after
                   high-paying private   pay and fined $750   Times of India translated   Football League).   graduation, University
                   sector jobs, particularly in   after allegedly helping   Naidu’s words as ‘English   French football legend   World News reports. The
                   tourism jobs. One state-  students with the   is not illness, but English   Zinedine Zidane – tipped   Ministry of Immigration is
                   run language school told   State’s maths tests.   mind is illness. …as we   as a possible future   to publish a list of fields
          growth has   Maria Munoz-Sobrino   picked up the English   Manchester United   with skills shortages
                   been consistent since   of Lakeland, Florida   language, we also   manager – has ‘started   and minimum salary
                   diplomatic relations with   ‘did not contest the   developed an English   learning English to ensure  thresholds for post-
                   the US were restored in   allegations’ that she   mind. …this is not in the   he’s prepared if United   study work visas will be
                   2015 and ‘Trump’s policy   explained test items and   national interest.’  do decide to hire him,’   reduced.
                   hasn’t changed the   gave ‘clues... and hints’             according to the Sun.
                   demand’.            to ELL students.

              6                                                                                  November/December 2018

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