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              Inlingua Florida forced to close                                                UK nursing

              following family firm failure                                                   body lowers

              By Matt Salusbury          Key  Biscayne,  Brickell,  Weston,   with the case, brought in the   test scores
              Nine Inlingua language centres   Tampa and Orlando to find them   Miami-Dade County courts, allege
              in Florida closed ‘abruptly’ in   shut.  Inlingua  International,  that Trujillo ‘directly or indirectly’   By Melanie Butler
              November,  stranding over  500   which licensed the schools to the   had  an interest  in the  Florida
              students. Staff remain unpaid and   local operator told the Gazette that   language schools.   The UK’s Nursing and Midwifery
              students appear to have lost the   their school in Washington DC   What was supposed to have   Council (NMC) have dropped
              fees they have paid in advance.   and other centres in the US were   been a straightforward bankruptcy   the Ielts Academic writing score
                One student outside the Doral   offering to take in the stranded   case lasting a few days in the   required by nurses from non-
              branch told the Miami Herald   students for free.     County courts had dragged on   English speaking countries to 6.5,
              they’d lost the $6,000 paid for a   All Inlingua centres in Florida   from July, and by November  the   although the score for all other
              course they’d recently started.   were run by licensee Maria   legal fees incurred were so massive   skills remains 7. The scores for the
                Many students, who have   Cristina Ortega de Marcos, the   the schools could not ‘sustain   healthcare specific OET exams
              lost the fees they have paid in   majority owner of IF Multicultural   themselves,’ according to an   remain the same.
              advance, risk losing their visa   Interactive Solutions LLC, which   email sent by Ortega de Marcos   Requirements for nurses from
              status unless they can transfer to   operated the schools. This company   to a teacher informing him of his   English-speaking countries to sit a
              other institutions. Students at   apparently  became  embroiled  school’s closure.  language exam in order to register
              the Orlando centre were advised   in a complex bankruptcy case   Jürg  Heiniger,  Inlingua  in the UK were dropped when
              to report to local language school   that centred on a family member,   International AG’s Switzerland-  it became apparent that many
              Open Hearts Language Academy   Leonidas Ortega Trujillo and his   based managing director, told the   native speaker nurses did not
              which is reported to have agreed to   Panama-based LTG Foundation   Gazette: ‘the schools in Florida are   score 7 on the Ielts written paper.
              take them.                 and Banco Continental, owned by   no longer licensees of Inlingua’.  Ielts’ own statistics show that
                Those arriving at the centres   the members of the Ecuador-based   ‘The schools had a very good   in 2017 native English speakers
              in Aventura, Boca Raton, Coral   Ortega family.       reputation, students  and teachers   averaged just 6.4 for Academic
              Gables, Doral, Fort Lauderdale,   Court documents associated   were happy, the results were   writing.
                                                                    good’ and they had more ‘severe   shortage of 41,000, which is
                                                                                                Britain has a current nursing
             INLINGUA DORAL, FLORIDA                                have any official information from   after the country leaves the EU.
                                                                    accreditation than the ISO
                                                                                              expected to rise to over 50,000
                                                                    certification we have in Europe.’
                                                                     Heiniger said that ‘We do not
                                                                                                The  introduction  of  language
                                                                    our former licensee’ other than the
                                                                                              exams, and the high levels
                                                                    email sent to teachers explaining
                                                                                              required, has led to a rapid decline
                                                                     Of the Inlingua Florida schools
                                                                                              from EU nurses. Nearly 15,000
                                                                   the closure.              of applications for registration
                                                                    closures, Heiniger noted, ‘the
                                                                                              EU nurses applied in June 2016.
                                                                   bankruptcy had nothing to do with   Twelve months later the number
                                                                    the Inlingua business’.   had plummeted to just 46.
                                                                        STOP   PRESS  Grafton College, Dublin has closed, leaving
                                                                              23 teachers unpaid, further fuelling calls for
                                 Inlingua Doral was one of many Florida       teacher protection (see news on page 6).
                                     centres to close its doors recently

              Malay student sues teacher for missing classes

              By Matt Salusbury          Mohd   Jainal  Jamrin,  who  ‘refused’ to teach Siman’s class -   informed of the English teacher’s
                                         ‘stopped entering her class’ in   in breach of regulations.  absence and visited the school,
              In the first case of its kind, a   February 2015 and was absent   Malaysian  Insight reported   but no action was taken.
              former secondary school student   for all but a week of the rest   that Siman told them in an   The action seeks costs and
              in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia   of academic year 2015. Siman   email that she and her class   damages against the teacher  as
              is suing her former English   and classmates then failed their   were intimidated into signing a   well as the school principal and
              language teacher for ‘refusing to   exams, ‘placing their hopes for a   statement giving a testimonial   district, provincial and national
              teach the English language’ to   bright future in jeopardy’.   for their absent teacher.  bureaucrats, on the grounds that
              her, reports the Daily Express.   It is further alleged that Jamrin   Siman’s statement to the court   they are ‘under a duty’ to provide
                Court documents filed by the   was instructed by the principal   describes how from March to   quality  education,  including
              plaintiff,  Siti Nafirah  Siman,    to fabricate his attendance   August 2015, various education   English, under the Education Act
              name absent English teacher   record, and that he at one point   officials  were  repeatedly  and the Federal Constitution.


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