Page 7 - Brandon Township Public Library Spring 2022 Newsletter
P. 7

  Plant a White Pine
February 28-March 5
For teens and adults
Just in time for spring, come and pick up a kit to plant a white pine tree! Yes, this Take & Make is to make a whole TREE! Kits include a white pine seed, bag, pot, and dirt. You must check out at least one item to receive a Take & Make; you may receive one kit per family member.
Pond Pals
March 14-19
For youth
Our green friends from the pond are peeking their way out this month; let’s make them some colorful pals! Create a vibrant clay frog, turtle, and snake with this Take & Make kit, or freestyle and make your own creation. Kits include clay and googly eyes. You must check out at least one item to receive a Take & Make; you may receive one kit per family member.
Michigan $mart Money Kids Read
April 11-16
For youth
Your kids will thank you for teaching them helpful money habits early on in their lives, so pick up this Take & Make to get them started! Kits include a free copy of the book Count on Pablo! by Barbara deRubertis, along with crafts and activity sheets with a money theme for children under eight years of age. The book is provided by Michigan Credit Unions. You must check out
at least one item to receive a Take & Make; you may receive one kit per family member.
April 18-23
For teens and adults
This Take & Make will help you write poetry! Black out a newspaper to create a poem from words already on the page. Use our fun poetry magnets to make poems on your fridge, in your room, or anywhere you can! Poetry isn’t just boring old books, you know! Kits include newspapers, books, word magnets, and markers. You must check out at least one item to receive a Take & Make; you may receive one kit per family member.
Cinco de Mayo Piñata
May 2-7
For youth
Create and decorate your very own piñata to celebrate Cinco de Mayo this year! Craft your piñata masterpiece and keep it to admire, or break it apart and enjoy the candy you put inside! Kits include a paper bag, tissue paper, glue stick, twine, and candy. You must check out at least one item to receive a Take & Make; you may receive one kit per family member.
Origami Crafts: Bookmark and Picture Frame
May 16-21
For teens and adults
Get a little hands-on with some simple origami crafts! Learn to make cute corner bookmarks and mini picture frames with just a slip of paper. Kits include origami paper and a gluestick. You must check out at least one item to receive a Take & Make; you may receive one kit per family member.

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