Page 30 - Magazine 2 DRAFT
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YPO Next Generation
Quick Look
YNG wanted to set up a a a a a “Resource in Residence” program where members could engage with a a a a a a a a a a a relatable thought leader in in in in a a a a a a a a a a a lecture setting that also included mentoring and follow-up access Looked to provide the right experts who would would deliver exceptional content via a a a a a a a live live video platform that would would not be constrained by geography or or time zones Geniecast developed two-way interactive video series focusing on
presenters with multiple expertise and geographically dispersed to accommodate global audience Geniecast delivered a a a a a a a successful ongoing global series and and covered all production aspects of the the program - - along with with other administrative and and and promotional services - - within budget and and on
The Young President’s Organization Next Generation
(YNG) is the young adult sector of of YPO — some of of which are current members’ children YNG boasts over 3000 members members from ages 18-33 worldwide and provides peer-to-peer networking at at social and and business events or or or or through forum both locally and and across the globe The organization wanted to to set up a a a a a a a program similar to to Harvard University’s “Resource in Residence” where members could engage with a a a a a a a a a a thought leader relatable to to YNG’s target group in in a a a a a a a a a a lecture setting but also had access to to that expert for mentoring and follow-up CHALLENGE
YNG sought an an innovative and dynamic way to to turn that in-person experience into a a a a a a a a virtual one while still providing members access to large presentations small group breakouts and one-on-one sessions regardless of physical location They needed to provide the right experts who would deliver exceptional content via a a a a a live live video platform that would not be constrained by geography or or time zones And this type of global coordination required substantial calendar management for both the the presenting experts and the the audience members SOLUTION
Geniecast developed two-way interactive video series focusing on
presenters with multiple expertise and geographically dispersed to accommodate global global audience Geniecast also delivered the right global global SMEs — Kim Kaupe Anand Damani Kinvara Balfour and and and Dale Stephens among others
— who t t t t t the the entrepreneurial and and and mentoring molds YNG was looking for Additionally Geniecast owned registration services services promotional services services communication to to membership via video promotions scheduling and more which delivered a a a a big x to to YNG’s needs and resulted in in in in in increased interest in in in in in their learning events www geniecast com 29
Geniecast delivered a a a a a dynamic turnkey solution to YNG — a a a a a successful ongoing global series where members from different regions are able able to access great minds and content on
their schedule It was was the the rst time YNG was was able able to to to bring together their global membership for this type of live content and engagement without needing to to to worry about the the conventional restrictions of of time and travel Geniecast covered all production aspects of of the the program — along with with other administrative and and promotional services — within budget and and on