Page 46 - LVGL Summer 2017
P. 46

[ [  GOLF          ]]

                                          COURSE SPOTLIGHT
                                          COURSE SPOTLIGHT

                           Go The Extra Mile

                                               It is more than worth it!


              oyote Springs is                                                                 ror-images of each other.         planning—is back on the drawing board giving more optimism for   “It’s just a fantastic golf course and a great value,” Larcom says. “Peo-
              battling the odds                                                                They play on either side          Larcom and the staff.                                  ple really need to check it out. It’s certainly well worth the drive.”
        Cwhen it comes to                                                                      of a huge pond with the             “Having homes will be a fantastic benefit to the golf course,” he says.
        golf courses. After all, where                                                         9th playing as a dog-leg          “The big thing for me, as a golf pro, will be the ability to run things like
        else can you put a course in                                                           left at 410 yards while the       leagues and twilight-type stuff.”
        the middle of the desert—all                                                           18th is a dog-leg right at          Overall, Coyote Springs’ outlook is as bright as the sand in the
        by itself—and expect folks to                                                          375 yards. Both are very          bunkers.                                               COYOTE SPRINGS GOLF CLUB
        drive an hour to play?                                                                 score-able, but impressive                                                                 3100 State Route 168, Coyote Springs
          That’s just what Coyote                                                              bunkering will force play-                                                                 877-742-8455
        Springs, a Jack Nicklaus                                                               ers to be precise off the                                                        
        Signature course, is…for                                                               tee (a driver isn’t always
        the time being. Located an                                                             needed), as well as with
        hour north of Las Vegas,                                                               approach shots.
        the course was expected to                                                               One of the newest
        be the centerpiece of a mas-                                                           additions to the course
        ter-planned community. Yet,                                                            is Mitch’s Bar & Grill.
        despite no housing, there are                                                          Named after an aban-
        still 18 fabulous reasons to                                                           doned Yellow Heeler that
        make the trip right now.                                                               found his way to Coyote
          “We have 25,000 happy faces come through here annually,” says Karl   Springs in 2008, the restaurant is open for breakfast and lunch.
        Larcom, director of golf. “We have a great product that keeps them   “Mitch passed away last August,” Larcom says. “It was a really, really
        coming back.”                                          sad day for all of us. When he showed up, he was all skin and bones.
          The 18-hole layout winds beautifully around the property and right   Someone had abandoned him. We nursed him back to health and he
        now, with no housing, it’s as tranquil an 18 holes as players will find   was a fixture here. There wasn’t a customer in the lot who didn’t want
        anywhere. It’s just you, the golf course, and nature.  to greet him. In fact, he had about twice as many Facebook fans as our
          But just because the course is in the desert, that doesn’t mean it will   own site. He was over 5,000.”
        play like a desert course. This one is as lush as they come. Plus, there   This new restaurant addition lets players make a day out of their
        are water features on 11 of the holes, adding the deep blue of ponds   excursion. What’s great about that is if players book online and have
        and streams to the bright green of the fairways and greens.  a tee time before 10 a.m. (with breakfast beforehand and a lunch stop
          “I know the owners are very, very committed to maintaining the   afterward), they can then play a round in the afternoon —that second
        reputation and conditions of the course,” Larcom says. “The golf course   round of golf on the house.
        can only get better as it grows. I only see good things for this course in   “We definitely get a lot of players who want to make a day out of it
        the years to come.”                                    and this makes it a great value,” Larcom says.
          Two of the highlights are the 9th and 18th holes. Both are mir-  And now housing—with a little luck, some hard work, and great

    44  LVG&L   SUMMER 2017                                                  WWW.LASVEGASGOLFANDLEISURE.COM                      WWW.LASVEGASGOLFANDLEISURE.COM                                                      SUMMER 2017  LVG&L  45
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