Page 50 - LVGL Summer 2017
P. 50
“My first impression was certainly a ‘wow’ and that the area was very
distinctive. Then I thought I’m glad Discovery Land is involved because
this is the big leagues and a huge deal. This is an extremely massive
undertaking and financially a big risk. It takes a company like Discovery to
have the resources, the guts and the vision to make this a reality.”
~Tom Fazio
says. “It is the first truly private exceeded even our lofty expec-
residential, resort golf commu- tations. The scale of the place is
nity in the area and offers nu- just incredible. Discovery Land
merous world-class amenities Company always places great
that are unique to Discovery emphasis on all of the small de-
Land Company clubs. Clearly tails that make a place great but
there is a demand in the market they also have the vision to know Golf Club
since 85 percent of our initial that the big picture planning
buyers are current residents of decisions early on with regard to
Las Vegas. There are so many orientation, width and scale are
things that make the Summit what set the tone for the feel of a
so special, but the spectacular place and how it is experienced
Tom Fazio designed golf course day to day. The golf course has
will be a highlight with its extremely generous corridors,
beautiful and dramatic eleva- which only serves to improve the
tion changes and views of the golf experience and set it apart
red rock canyon and the strip.” from most courses.”
Fazio first saw The Summit From what started as a way for
plot of land in the southern Meldman to entertain his young
area of Summerlin in February kids during rounds of golf, the
of 2014. He was stunned by the Discovery Land tradition of
dramatic topography, quickly comfort stations on the course
realizing how imposing the have become a legendary staple
challenge would be while also of a round at one of the proper-
falling in the love with the ties. The stations serve anything
project. from tacos to homemade ice An oasis in the Mojave Desert, Primm Valley Golf Club features 36-holes of Tom Fazio
“My first impression was Discovery Land founder cream sandwiches and are part golf at its best. The Lakes Course takes you out of the desert and into paradise while
certainly a ‘wow’ and that the Mike Meldman and hall of of the overall aura of Discovery
fame course architect
area was very distinctive,” Fazio Tom Fazio partnered Land membership. the Desert Course offers a challenge as you meander through the native landscape.
says. “Then I thought I’m glad together to create Residences and land is priced
Discovery Land is involved The Summit in Las Vegas. from $2 million to $10 million. It’s time to experience Primm Valley all over again!
because this is the big leagues Interested buyers or future res-
and a huge deal. This is an idents can visit www.Summit-
extremely massive undertaking Hosting Groups | Tournaments | Casual Play
and financially a big risk. It takes a company like Discovery to have the About Discovery Land:
resources, the guts and the vision to make this a reality.” Discovery Land Company’s core philosophy is to enhance the natu- #1 Yates Well Road | Nipton, CA | 702.679.5509 |
The Summit marks the 13th time Fazio has designed a course for ral character and cultural heritage of each property it develops in order
Discovery Land. The company portfolio includes communities in Mex- to create a unique sense of place that truly captures the innate spirit of
ico, the Bahamas, New York, California, and other locales. Last year, the land itself. Within this environment, Discovery Land Company is
Discovery Land was approved by members to purchase the Las Vegas able to offer exceptional lifestyle and recreational experiences to create
Country Club and the deal is still being finalized. memories that will last throughout their members’ lives. These cher-
“Excitement is the first thing that comes to mind about The Summit,” ished moments generate traditions passed from generation to genera-
Fazio says. “It is the culmination of several years of planning and tion, making Discovery Land properties truly one-of-a-kind heirloom
construction, and I can’t wait for golfers to finally have the opportu- communities.
nity to experience a golf course that I think everyone would agree has